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Working cooperatively in statistics education

Cooperation is both natural and beneficial for those involved in all aspects of statistics education. The conference will focus on many aspects of cooperation as evidenced by the variety of topic titles listed below.

More details here (in English and Portuguese)

Information about the speakers

 Select a topic title to see organisers, abstract and session details.
Topic 1Working cooperatively in Statistics education
Topic 2Statistics education at the school level
Topic 3Statistics education at the post-secondary level
Topic 4Statistics education/training and the workplace
Topic 5Statistics education and the wider society
Topic 6Research in Statistics education
Topic 7Technology in Statistics education
Topic 8Other determinants & developments in Statistics education
Topic 9An international perspective on Statistics education
 See also: Summary of all topics, sessions and meetings together with organisers.

  Complete list of papers

  Complete list of posters

Special Interest Group Meetings

Meetings of Special Interest Groups of people who are interested in exchanging and discussing experiences and/or projects concerning a well-defined theme of common interest.

Individuals or groups may submit proposals to establish a Special Interest Group to Carmen Batanero. Only clearly non-commercial SIGs have been accepted in the scientific programme. The IPC is in charge of reviewing and accepting SIG proposals.

Proposals to hold a SIG Meeting specifically oriented to reinforce Latin American statistics education cooperation in a particular theme are welcome. In this case the organisers may decide to hold the meeting in Portuguese and Spanish languages.

Normally, an SIGM will be held in the evenings and will be allotted up to two 90-minute time slots. Please note that participation in an SIG is limited and allocated on a “first come first served” basis.

Encontros de Grupos com Interesses Especiais

Encontros de Grupos de pessoas com interesses especiais (SIG) que estão interessadas em trocar e discutir sobre experiéncias e/ou projetos concernentes a um tema bem determinado e de interesse comum.

Indivíduos ou grupos podem submeter propostas para criação de um Grupo de Interesse Especial (SIG) para Carmen Batanero. Unicamente grupos claramente não comerciais serão aceitos no programa científico. O IPC está revisando e aceitando propostas para SIG.

Propostas para encontros SIG especificamente orientados para reforçar a colaboração na Educação Estatística na América Latina em temas específicos serão bem-vindas. Nestes casos, os organizadores podem decidir que o idioma do encontro será Portugués e Espanhol.

Normalmente, os encontros dos SIG ocorrerão no período noturno e terão duração de duas horas a duas horas e meia. Note-se que a participação em um SIG é limitada e as inscrições atenderão aos primeiros que procurem.

SIG 1Training Mathematics teachers to teach Statistics in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries (Portuguese and Spanish)
SIG 2Young Latin American researchers in Statistics education (Portuguese and Spanish)
SIG 3International research forum on statistical reasoning, thinking and literacy (English)
SIG 4Curricular development in Statistics education in Latin America (Portuguese and Spanish)

Meetings of special sessions will be arranged as needed. At present the following are planned:
Session 1Writing about research: open meeting of the Statistics Education Research Journal
Session 2Statistics visualization with Cabri-Géomètre II
Session 3Open meeting: ICMI/IASE Study on Statistics Education
Session 4The educational activities of the IASE
Session 5SurveyAtSchool
Session 6STARS - Statistical resources from real datasets
Session 7Software Demonstration
Session 8The educational activities of the ASA
Session 9Becoming a better referee of journal manuscripts: the SERJ experience
Session 10Cooperation of IASI to promote statistical education in the American Region
Session 11The International Statistical Institute family
Session 12A web-based statistical literacy learning object
Session 13Statistics before your eyes: photographs of statistical concepts

Administrative meetings will be arranged as needed. At present the following are planned:
Meeting 1International Statistical Literacy Project Advisory Committee
Meeting 2Joint ICMI/IASE Study International Programme Committee Meeting
Meeting 3Joint ICMI/IASE Study International Programme Committee Meeting
Meeting 4IASE Executive 1
Meeting 5IASE Executive 2
Meeting 6SERJ editoral board meeting