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(Monday 3rd, 18:30--)




SurveyAtSchool was developed by the RSS Centre for Statistical Education in 2005. It is one of the many AtSchool projects run by the centre - the most renowned being CensusAtSchool which has been running since 2000. The key feature of SurveyAtSchool is that the students are able to create and implement their own web based questionnaires. Each questionnaire created has a unique web address which may be distributed amongst the class, the school or even friends and family to complete. The data collected may then be analysed and interpreted by the students with the guidance of the teacher. The key to the success of this project is that the students are highly motivated as they are involved in all aspects of the investigation from survey design to analysis. SurveyAtSchool will be demonstrated and dependent on internet access participants will have the opportunity to create their own web based questionnaire.