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Detailed programme for Wednesday 5th July
Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

08:30-10:30Plenary AddressItapoã
PlenaryEvelio Osvaldo Fabbroni, Jae Chang Lee, Denise Lievesley, Pilar Martin-Guzman, Pedro A Morettin, Allan Rossman
Chair: Pedro A Morettin
*Panel discussion: The challenges for cooperation in Statistics education
10.30-11.00Coffee breakExh Hall
11:00-12:30Parallel Sessions
Session 1C
Co-operative efforts involving Statistics and Mathematics education
Session organizer: Maria A Pannone
Pel A
Tânia Maria Mendonça Campos*Mathematics education and Statistics education: meeting points and perspectives
Linda Gattuso*Statistics and Mathematics: is it possible to create fruitful links?
Roberto Ricci*A web environment to improve connections between Mathematics and Statistics learning
Session 2F
Developing a curriculum for the meaningful learning of statistics at the school level
Session organizer: Li Jun
Pel B
Delia North*Introducing Statistics at school level in South Africa
James Nicholson*Reasoning with evidence — developing curriculum
Session 2G
Socio-cultural aspects of learning Statistics
Session organizers: Arthur Bakker, Dani Ben-Zvi
Ita B
Carlos Monteiro*Student teachers interpreting media graphs
José Luis Cortina*Accounting for teachers’ instructional realities when supporting their professional development in statistics
Dirk Tempelaar*A structural equation model analyzing the relationship students’ statistical reasoning abilities, their attitudes toward statistics, and learning approaches
Session 6A
Research on statistical reasoning and thinking
Session organizer: Robert delMas
Ita A
Chris Reading*Listen to the students: Understanding and supporting students’ reasoning about variation
Maxine Pfannkuch*Informal inferential reasoning
Luis Saldanha*Investigating Statistical unusualness in the context of a resampling activity: students exploring connections between sampling distributions and statistical inference
Session 8C
Projects and competitions in Statistics education
Session organizer: Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris
Ita C
Aklilu Zeleke*Developing projects based on students’ data in Introductory Statistics
John Gabrosek*Designing, promoting, and implementing a statistics poster competition for pre-college students
Theodore Chadjipadelis*Use of projects for teaching social statistics: case study
Session 10A
Contributed papers   (In Portuguese/Spanish)Pel C
Clayde Regina Mendes*One step beyond formulas: statistical projects for future mathematics teachers
Clélia Maria de Castro Toloi*How to teach some basic concepts in time series analysis
Alexandre Joaquim Garrett*On average and open-ended questions
Delhi Teresa Paiva Salinas*A unified approach to testing hypotheses about parameters of a normal population
Session 10B
Contributed papers   Pel D
Adrilayne dos Reis Araújo*Evaluating the socio-economic relationship with the absence of reading between the students of a private school and of a public school
Kathleen Collins*Reading ability as a predictor of African-American graduate students’ writing proficiency in the context of statistics courses
Kathleen Collins*Relationship between reading ablity and statistics anxiety among African-American graduate students: implications for the teaching and learning of statistics
Bruno de Sousa*The living Census
12:30-14:00Lunch time 
12:30-14:00Meetings and Special Sessions
Meeting 2
Joint ICMI/IASE Study International Programme Committee Meeting
Organizer: Carmen Batanero
Ita C
Afternoon Free time: local tours operate 

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