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Detailed programme for Thursday 6th July
Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

08:30-10:00Plenary AddressItapoã
PlenaryBryan Manly
Chair: John Harraway
*Cooperation and conflict in Environmental Statistics
10.00-10.30Coffee breakExh Hall
10:30-12:30Parallel Sessions
Session 4A
Statistics education and the engineering world
Session organizer: Helen Louise MacGillivray
Pel A
Jorge Luis Romeu*Teaching engineering statistics to practicing engineers
Peter Martin*Achieving success in industrial training
Georg Lindgren*Teaching modern engineering statistics: the contribution of collaboration and shared views of the roles of mathematical statistics in engineering
Elena T Fernández de Carrera*Engineering statistical needs and engineering curriculum: an analysis
Session 4E
Statistics for Environmental Science
Session organizer: Liliana Gonzalez
Pel B
Carmen Capilla*Introducing data analysis in a Statistics course in Environmental Science studies
Jennifer Ann Brown*Teaching Statistics to Environmental Scientists
Jean-Yves Hervé*Combining interactive visualization and Statistics to detect patterns in environmental data
Session 5A
Statistical literacy: concepts, gaps, indicators
Session organizer: Iddo Gal
Ita A
Carlos Araujo*Statistical illiteracy in Latin America: a consequence of the different visions about the meaning of statistics
Olga Leticia Escudero*What kind of statistical culture is offered by the Mexican educational system?
Iddo Gal*How statistically literate are adults? Results from two international comparative studies
Enriqueta Reston*Probing college statistics teachers’ instructional goals and classroom practices within a statistical literacy framework
Session 6E
Research on the role of technology in learning and teaching statistics
Session organizer: Kay Louise Lipson
Ita B
Juan D Godino*Analysing teaching and learning process for the law of large numbers: implications of using software in teachers education
Glenda Francis, Sue Kokonis*Developing a computer interaction to enhance student understanding in statistical inference
Andee Rubin*Saying the same (or a different) thing: how shape affects ideas about distribution in a software exploration environment
Rachel Cunliffe*Investigating the use and usefulness of instant messaging in an elementary statistics course
Session 7D
Interactive software targeting specific statistical concepts
Session organizer: Rodney Carr
Ita C
Camille Peres*Interactive simulations in the teaching of Statistics: promise and pitfalls
Doug Stirling*Interactive 3-dimensional diagrams for teaching multiple regression
Geoff Cumming*Understanding replication: confidence intervals, p-values, and what’s likely to happen next time
William Finzer*What does dragging this do? The role of dynamically changing data and parameters in building a foundation for statistical understanding
Session 12A
Contributed papers   Pel C
Sashi Sharma*Understanding high school students’ ideas about probability: some findings from Fiji
Patricia Balderas*Posing problems as a statistics teaching activity at engineering undergraduate and graduate levels
Margarida César*She will be loved: collaborative project work and statistics learning
Nuno Santos*Project work in statistics: statistics learning as a tool to help students’ knowledge about their educational community
Margarida César*Two battles . . . two victories: how to learn probabilities through a familiar game
Session 12B
Contributed papers   (In Portuguese/Spanish)Pel D
José Mafokozi Ndabishibije*An introductory course to statistical concepts, theory and designs in educational research methods: a combination of strengths and weaknesses
Santiago Inzunza*Students’ errors and difficulties for solving problems of sampling distributions by means of computer simulation
Mabel Batto, Ernesto Alfredo Rosa*Development of statistics methods teaching in primary and secondary education (school)
Adriana Graciela D’Amelio*Analysis of didactic situations suggested to distinguish disjunctive events and independent events
Gabriel Yáñez*The total probability theorem, the “depends” argument and simulation
12:30-14:00Lunch time 
12:30-14:00Meetings and Special Sessions
SIG 4Curricular development in Statistics education in Latin America
Organizers: Olga Leticia Escudero, Clayde Regina Mendes
Ita A
Meeting 1
International Statistical Literacy Project Advisory Committee
Organizer: Chris Wild
Pel D
Session 3
Open meeting: ICMI/IASE Study on Statistics Education
Organizers: Carmen Batanero, Bernard R Hodgson
Ita B
Session 10
Cooperation of IASI to promote statistical education in the American Region
Organizer: Victor M Guerrero
Ita C
14:00-15:30Parallel Sessions
Session 1D
Co-operative efforts involving Statistics teachers & researchers
Session organizer: Evelio Osvaldo Fabbroni
Ita A
Susan Starkings*How Statistical societies, such as the Royal Statistical Society, can help Statistical education
Oscar Hernandez*Teaching Statistics to undergraduate students of the social sciences
Miguel Nakamura*Statistical research-training-consulting at a mathematics research center (CIMAT, Mexico)
Session 3F
Teaching nonparametric methods
Session organizer: Noël Veraverbeke
Ita B
Wenceslao González-Manteiga*Smoothing techniques in spatial statistics
Tertius de Wet*Smoothing sequences of data by extreme selectors
Michael Joseph Campbell*Teaching non-parametric statistics to students in health sciences
Session 5H
Psychological and social issues in the teaching of statistics
Session organizer: Joseph Wisenbaker
Pel A
Jacky Galpin*Using examples related to HIV/AIDS to enhance understanding of Statistical theory and of social implications of Statistics
Monique Bijker*A comparative study of the effects of motivational and attitudinal factors on studying Statistics
Session 7F
Principles and theories for the design of learning technologies
Session organizer: David Pratt
Ita C
David Pratt*An elaboration of the design construct of phenomenalisation
Dor Abrahamson*Learning chance: lessons from a learning-axes and bridging-tools perspective
Session 9B
Teaching Statistics in African and other developing countries
Session organizers: Rubén Cabrera, Ana Silvia Haedo
Pel B
Victor Polaki*Looking at the mathematics curriculum and mathematics textbooks to identify statistical concepts that Lesotho’s high school students experience
Temesgen Zewotir*Status of statistics in Africa: the case of Ethiopia
Feisal A Yunis*Factors influencing the Psychology student in dealing with Statistics courses
Session 9C
Statistics teaching in Asia
Session organizers: Delia North, Lionel Pereira-Mendoza
Pel C
Li Jun*Curriculum design: to enhance students’ learning
Kazunori Yamaguchi*On demand statistics courses using new technologies in Japan
Session 13A
Contributed papers   Pel D
Jacqueline Reid*A hierarchy of tertiary students’ consideration of variation
David Glen Whiting*YStatTest: a system for automated online test creation and correction
Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris*Improving the teaching of statistics in early grades through technology-enhanced learning environments
Emma Zavarrone*A note about a new index to evaluate teaching quality
15.30-16.00Coffee breakExh Hall
16:00-18:00Parallel Sessions
Session 1F
Statistics education journals: cooperating not competing (panel discussion)
Session organizer: W. Robert Stephenson
Ita A
Flavia Rosamund Jolliffe*Panel discussion on journal cooperation
Neville Davies . . .
E. Jacquelin Dietz . . .
W. Robert Stephenson . . .
Session 2C
Real data and project based statistical education
Session organizers: Dani Ben-Zvi, Gail Burrill
Ita B
Jeeva Periasamy*Enhancing the link between statistics and mineral processing through project based learning
Henry Arthur Kranendonk*A quantitative study of countries using population data and pyramid graphs
José Armando Albert Huerta*Learning based on real context problems and notions of probability distributions and expected value
Timothy Matis*Conceptualizing applied probability through project-based learning
Session 3C
Mentoring of graduate students
Session organizer: Shrikant Bangdiwala
Pel A
Irene Schiattino Lemus*Mentoring statisticians in formal degree programs: the masters in biostatistics at the Universidad de Chile (1983-2005): entering the 21st century
Julio M Singer*As good as it gets: challenges in teaching Applied Statistics
Shrikant Bangdiwala*Mentoring graduate students in apprenticeship positions as research assistants: the experience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
María Teresa Blaconá*Mentoring in the final project of a Bachelor in Statistics
Session 6F
Theoretical frameworks and Statistics education research
Session organizer: Tim Burgess
Ita C
Anna Reid*Being critical about approaches to research in statistics education
Antonio Estepa-Castro*The meaning of statistics variation in university books in Spain
Koeno Gravemeijer*Design research and design heuristics in statistics education
Tim Burgess*A framework for examining teacher knowledge as used in action while teaching statistics
Session 14A
Contributed papers   Pel B
John D McKenzie, Jr.*Questions to assess the understanding of statistical concepts
Ana Elisa Castro Sotos, Stijn Vanhoof*Attitudes toward Statistics and their relationship with short- and long-term exam results
Tjaart Imbos*A tool for collaborative knowledge-building in statistics education
Michael Mosier*A real data approach to teaching the consequences of non-random sampling
Philip Yu*Integrating statistics and information technology into an investment risk course
Session 14B
Contributed papers   Pel C
Rossi Alim Hassad*Reflection on training, experience, and introductory statistics - a mini-survey of tertiary level statistics instructors
Bodapati V R Gandhi*Improving the teaching of statistics in business education: lessons and reflections
Arthur Bakker*Designing Statistical learning opportunities for industry
John Harraway*An item response analysis of statistics use in the workplace
Jean-Hugues Chauchat*Microeconomics forecast: learning by doing; a ten years graduate level experience
Session 14C
Contributed papers   (In Portuguese/Spanish)Pel D
Claudia Regina Lima*An explanation of student performance using hierarchical linear model for schools in Pernambuco, Brazil
Carlos Carrión Pérez*An investigation about translation and interpretation of statistical graphs and tables by students of primary education
Assumpta Estrada*Computing probabilities from two way tables: an exploratory study with future teachers
Maria Lucia Marçal Mazza Sundefeld*An interactive CD-ROM to teach statistics applied to health notions to students in the fundamental schooling
Gabriela Pilar Cabrera, Ana Beatriz Sosa*Mathematics with sense: a didactic approach for teaching statistics and probability from early ages on
EveningPlenary Address
PlenaryLen Cook
Master of ceremonies: Susan Starkings
*Training statisticians for working in public affairs

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