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(Tuesday 4th, 08:30-10:00)
Chair: Carmen Batanero

Collaboration in statistics education research: stories, reflections, and lessons learned



Because Joan is unable to attend the conference, her talk will be presented by Dani Ben-Zvi.

I will share some stories of statistics education research projects I have been involved in over the past two decades. All of these projects involve collaborations with colleagues who have made important contributions to the research and from whom I have learned many important lessons. I will discuss these projects in terms of the research questions addressed, the methodologies used, the results and implications, and the importance of my collaborators in each project. The presentation will illustrate the interconnections among the four main areas of my research over this time period (probabilistic reasoning, reasoning about sampling, assessment of student learning, and reasoning about variability). In addition, the use and development of technological tools to promote and assess student reasoning, an important component of the research studies, will be highlighted.