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(Monday 3rd, 12:30-14:00)

International research forum on statistical reasoning, thinking and literacy




Over the past decade there has been an increasingly strong call for statistics education to focus more on statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking. One of the main arguments presented is that traditional approaches to teaching statistics focus on skills, procedures, and computations, which do not lead students to reason or think statistically. The SRTL Forums began in 1999 to foster current and innovative research studies that examine the nature and development of statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking, and to explore the challenge posed to educators at all levels — to develop these desired learning goals for students.

The SRTL Forums, co-chaired by Joan Garfield and Dani Ben-Zvi, offer scientific gatherings every two years and related publications. The SRTL Forums have unique features: small size that allows plenty of time for interaction and discussion; the use of videos of classroom work or interviews with students, as a way to present, discuss and argue about research related to these topics; and a stimulating and enriching format that facilitates the acquaintance with key researchers in this area and viewing their work in progress.

The ICOTS-7 Meetings of Special Interest Group on SRTL is geared to increase the awareness of the statistics education community to the emerging interest and scientific work on this topic. Meetings will include a presentation of the project and informal discussions on related issues.