
Bahia Othon Hotel and Convention Centre
Av. Oceânica, 2294
Ondina - Salvador - BA
Cep: 40170-010
Tel: (71) 3203-2000
Fax: (71) 3245-4877 (Photos of Othon)
In Othon hotel rooms the power 110V and sockets are round. You may need to bring your own adaptors. |
Preparing data and documents for your talk
- Each room has a computer connected to an overhead projector. Each computer has a DVD/CD drive and USB ports (which will take USB memory sticks).
- If you are bringing data or documents to display in your talk, a USB memory stick should be adequate. However things can go wrong, so as a back-up we would recommend that you bring either a second memory stick or (preferably) a CD containing your data/documents. Having two different formats should eliminate any compatibility problems.
- You can bring your own laptop/notebook if you wish, and this can be linked to the overhead projector. Note that there are 110V and 220V power sockets in the meeting rooms — the outlets are round and people will need to bring their own adaptors.
- The room computers have the following software: Office XP (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Reader 7, Internet Explorer 6, Windows Media Player 9 or 10.
- If you wish to use your own or specialised software then this can be installed on the room computer before the session. Please ensure it is virus-free and that installation is straightforward. There will normally be a 10 minute period before each session, where speakers can set up their talks.
Transfer from airport to hotels
There is a taxi company called COMTAS inside the baggage claim area at Salvador airport.
- They will have a bilingual secretary inside the baggage area
waiting for ICOTS passengers - she will accompany them to the taxis.
She will be there on 1st July and on 2nd July.
- If a person arrives earlier he/she can contact personally the
area of COMTAS and they will be prepared to indicate to her/him the
way to the taxi. Even if the driver cannot speak English he knows
very well all the Hotels by name and, in addition, he can
communicate by radio with the central station if the passenger would
like to ask something else to a bilingual person.
- They have reduced the price to 60,00 reais which is less than
30 US dollars (depending on the exchange rate on the day).
- There is a 24-hour exchange office inside the baggage area and
people can change money there before going to the taxi.
- All the drivers are prepared to give a receipt - please ask them
for it if you need one. To make the price cheaper people can share the
- This price works for Othon and all the hotels within walking
distance from Othon. They are Salvador Praia, Porto Belo, Vila Galé,
- COMTAS company will share its service with another company which
is located at the same place: COMETAS. So people do not need to worry
about the name of the taxi - it could be COMTAS or COMETAS (lack of
- There is a bus also for those who do not want spend that
amount. The bus passes by all those hotels and it can leave the
passenger on the street in front of the hotel but not necessarily at
the main entrance. It costs about 3 dollars and the bus stops in front
of the airport every 30 minutes.
We hope the information is clear. Please be sure the company taxi is
waiting for ICOTS participants and probably many of you are arriving
together. So, please enjoy the travel and do not be afraid.
En la zona de recogida de equipaje hay una compañía de taxis llamada COMTAS.
- Habrá una secretaria bilingüe en la zona de recogida de equipaje
esperando a los participantes de ICOTS. Ella los acompañará hasta los
taxis. Estará allá los días 1 y 2 de Julio.
- Si alguien llega antes o después puede contactar directamente a CONTAS;
ellos estarán preparados para indicarles el camino a los taxis. Incluso si
el conductor no hablase inglés, todos conocen bien los hoteles y además
pueden comunicar por radio con la estación central si el pasajero quiere
hacer alguna consulta en inglés.
- El precio especial es de 60 reales, aproximadamente 30 dólares
americanos (dependiendo de la tasa de cambio ese día).
- Hay una oficia de cambio que funciona las 24 horas en la zona de
recogida de equipaje y se puede cambiar dinero antes de tomar el taxi.
- Todos los conductores están preparados para dar un recibo si se les
pide. La gente puede compartir un taxi para conseguir mejor precio.
- Este es el precio hasta Othon y los hoteles alrededor: Salvador Praia,
Porto Belo, Vila Galé, etc.
- Otra compañía llamada COMETAS estará ayudando a COMTAS; no hay que
preocuparse por el nombre del taxi.
- También hay un autobús que cuesta 3 dólares para aquellos que quieran
gastar menos y pasa por delante de los hoteles, no necesariamente en la
entrada principal. Pasa cada 30 minutos.
Esperamos que la información sea clara. Estad tranquilos que la compañía
de taxis estará esperando los participantes de ICOTS y probablemente
llegue mucha gente al mismo tiempo. Así, que disfruten del viaje y estén
Population | Brazil has a population of over 180 million, of whom 55% are white, 38% are mulatto, and 6% are Negro, 1% other (Japanese, Arab, etc.). The population below 20 years is 46.7%. Salvador population is around 2,250,000 inhabitants. |
Languages | Portuguese is the main official language. The number of living languages listed for Brazil is 188. English is understood in tourist centers. Most people understand Spanish, and German in the south. |
National emblem | On the National flag is represented a view of the sky over Rio de Janeiro, with the Southern Cross constellation at the meridian, imagined as seen by an observer placed on the vertical line including the zenith of that city, from outside the sphere seen on the flag. |
Climate | Salvador is a typical tropical city — located between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Equator Line — having an average temperature of 25 °C (76 °F) and a hot and moist weather. Salvador is one of the world’s sunniest cities with 2500 annual hours of sun and clear skies all through the year. With an average annual temperature of 25.5 °C, Salvador has only slight thermal variations present and always receives the soft ocean breeze. Temperatures in July range from 21 °C, to 26 °C. |
Time differences | For most of Brazil, add one hour to Eastern Standard time. |
Water | Tap water is not recommended but bottled water is available from all hotels |
Electricity | Electricity can vary within cities. Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo use 110 volts AC, Bahia (Salvador) and Manaus 127 volts AC, in Brasília and Recife 220 volts AC. Most hotels do provide 110-volt & 220-volt outlets or adaptors. |
Recommended clothing | Lightweight cottons and linens with waterproofing for the rainy season. Warm clothing is needed in the south during winter (June to July). Specialist clothing is needed for the Amazon region. The sunlight is extremely bright and sunglasses are recommended. |
Radio and TV | Numerous national and local radio and TV stations. International channels are available in most hotels. |
Currency | Real |
Credit cards | All banks and money exchange houses will change traveler’s checks and foreign currency. It is wise to carry some cash in case you want to go out of the major cities and towns. Generally, Master Card, Amex, Diners and Visa are accepted. Traveler’s checks are accepted at hotels, banks and tourist agencies. (A number of banks including Banco do Brasil accept foreign cards in their ATM machines). |
VAT | Value Added Tax is currently 14% and is levied on most goods offered for sale and on hospitality services. Refunds of VAT paid for goods (not services) may be claimed by foreign tourists. Details/procedure leaflets are obtainable at international airports. |
Passports and visas | When coming to Brazil, you must be sure that your passport is valid for at least six months after the date of entry. Check with your local Brazilian embassy or consulate whether or not you require a visa to enter the country. |
Safety | In Salvador, like any other international city, it is sensible to take some precautions. It is strongly recommended that visitors avoid displaying expensive photographic equipment and jewelry. Deposit your valuables in the hotel’s safety deposit box. Never leave luggage unattended in front of the hotel or in the lobby. Don’t stroll round the streets after dark. If in any doubt please consult your hotel reception or the conference secretariat. Groups or parties are somewhat safer, so if you can, avoid going out alone late hours. Remember: All participants are responsible for their own insurance. |
More Information:
** About Salvador, Salvador in Pictures
** Lots of information and links from the Salvado Convention Bureau
** Multimedia and Images from Ministério das Relações Exteriores (Ministry of External Relations)
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