
Time | Sunday 2nd July 2006 | Monday 3rd July 2006 | Tuesday 4th July 2006
| All day | 1200-1800 Registration & Info | 0800-1830 Registration & Info | 0800-1830 Registration & Info
| | Poster setup on Monday | 0800-2000 Exhibitions / Posters | 0830-2000 Exhibitions / Posters
| 1000-1030 | | Morning tea | Morning tea
| 1030-1230 | | Section 2 7 parallel sessions | Section 6 7 parallel sessions
| 1230-1400 | | Lunch | Lunch
| | | Demonstrations, Administrative meetings, SIG groups, etc. | Demonstrations, Administrative meetings, SIG groups, etc.
| 1400-1530 | | Section 3 7 parallel sessions | Section 7 7 parallel sessions
| 1530-1600 | | Afternoon break | Afternoon break
| 1600-1800 | | Section 4 7 parallel sessions | Section 8 7 parallel sessions
| 1800-1900 | Opening Ceremony | Poster presentations | Poster presentations
| Evening | Welcome Reception | Demonstrations, Administrative meetings, SIG groups, etc. | Demonstrations, Administrative meetings, SIG groups, etc.
Time | Wednesday July 5, 2006 | Thursday July 6, 2006 | Friday July 7, 2006
| All day | 0800-1830 Registration & Info | 0800-1830 Registration & Info | 0800-1830 Registration & Info
| | 0800-2000 Exhibitions / Posters | 0800-2000 Exhibitions / Posters | 0830-2000 Exhibitions / Posters
| 1000-1030 | | Morning tea | Morning tea
| 1030-1100 | Morning tea | Section 12 | Section 16
| 1100-1230 | Section 10 7 parallel sessions | 7 parallel sessions | 7 parallel sessions
| 1230-1400 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch
| | Demonstrations, Administrative meetings, SIG groups, etc. | Demonstrations, Administrative meetings, SIG groups, etc. | Demonstrations, Administrative meetings, SIG groups, etc.
| 1400-1530 | Free afternoon for short excursion (not included in the registration) | Section 13 7 parallel sessions | Section 17 7 parallel sessions
| 1530-1600 | | Afternoon break | Afternoon break
| 1600-1800 | | Section 14 7 parallel sessions | PLENARY TALK Closing ceremony
| 1800-1830 | | |
| Evening | | Conference Dinner |
Programme details (as at 10th March 2025)
(This schedule is kept up-to-date and consequently changes may occur.)
08:30-10:00 Section 1 | Plenary: Pedro Silva
| 10.00-10.30 Refreshment |
| 10:30-12:30 Section 2 | Ita A Invited session 2E
| Pel A Invited session 3I
| Ita B Invited session 5B
| Ita C Invited session 6C
| Pel B Contributed papers CP02A (5)
| Pel C Contributed papers CP02B (5)
| Pel D Contributed papers CP02C (5)
| 12:30-14:00 Lunch |
| 12:30-14:00 Special | Pel C SIG 1
| Ita A ASA (Special Session 8)
| Pel B Becoming a referee (Special Session 9)
| Ita C SIG 3
| Ita B ISI (Special Session 11)
| 14:00-15:30 Section 3 | Ita A Invited session 1A
| Ita B Invited session 1E
| Pel A Invited session 3B
| Ita C Invited session 4F
| Pel B Invited session 5C
| Pel C Invited session 8B
| Pel D Contributed papers CP03A (4)
| 15.30-16.00 Refreshment |
| 16:00-18:00 Section 4 | Ita B Invited session 2A
| Ita C Invited session 3A
| Pel A Invited session 5E
| Pel B Invited session 6B
| Ita A Invited session 7E
| Pel C Invited session 8D
| Pel D Contributed papers CP04A (5)
| 18:00-19:00 Posters | E H Focus on posters
| 18:30-- Special | Ita A SIG 4
| Ita B Survey at schools (Special Session 5)
| Ita C Software (Special Session 7)
| Pel C IASE Exec 1 (Admin Meeting 4)
08:30-10:00 Section 5 | Plenary: Joan Garfield
| 10.00-10.30 Refreshment |
| 10:30-12:30 Section 6 | Ita B Invited session 3K
| Pel A Invited session 4D
| Pel C Invited session 5D
| Pel B Invited session 6G
| Ita C Invited session 7B
| Ita A Invited session 7C
| Pel D Contributed papers CP06A (5)
| 12:30-14:00 Lunch |
| 12:30-14:00 Special | Ita B SIG 2
| Pel C SERJ editors (Admin Meeting 6)
| Ita A IASE (Special Session 4)
| Ita C Statistical Literacy Workshop (Special Session 12)
| Pel A Statistics Before Your Eyes (Special Session 13)
| 14:00-15:30 Section 7 | Ita A Invited session 1B
| Pel A Invited session 3G
| Pel C Invited session 3J
| Pel B Invited session 4C
| Ita B Invited session 5F
| Ita C Invited session 6D
| Pel D Invited session 8A
| 15.30-16.00 Refreshment |
| 16:00-18:00 Section 8 | Pel A Invited session 2B
| Pel B Invited session 5G
| Ita A Invited session 6H
| Ita B Invited session 7G
| Ita C Invited session 9A
| Pel C Contributed papers CP08A (5)
| Pel D Contributed papers CP08B (5)
| 18:00-19:00 Posters | E H Focus on posters
| 18:00-- Special | Ita A SIG 1
| Ita B Cabri (Special Session 2)
| Ita C STARS (Special Session 6)
08:30-10:00 Section 11 | Plenary: Bryan Manly
| 10.00-10.30 Refreshment |
| 10:30-12:30 Section 12 | Pel A Invited session 4A
| Pel B Invited session 4E
| Ita A Invited session 5A
| Ita B Invited session 6E
| Ita C Invited session 7D
| Pel C Contributed papers CP12A (5)
| Pel D Contributed papers CP12B (5)
| 12:30-14:00 Lunch |
| 12:30-14:00 Special | Ita A SIG 4
| Pel D ISLP Committee (Admin Meeting 1)
| Ita B ICMI/IASE Study (Special Session 3)
| Ita C IASI (Special Session 10)
| 14:00-15:30 Section 13 | Ita A Invited session 1D
| Ita B Invited session 3F
| Pel A Invited session 5H
| Ita C Invited session 7F
| Pel B Invited session 9B
| Pel C Invited session 9C
| Pel D Contributed papers CP13A (4)
| 15.30-16.00 Refreshment |
| 16:00-18:00 Section 14 | Ita A Invited session 1F
| Ita B Invited session 2C
| Pel A Invited session 3C
| Ita C Invited session 6F
| Pel B Contributed papers CP14A (5)
| Pel C Contributed papers CP14B (5)
| Pel D Contributed papers CP14C (5)
| Evening Dinner | Speaker: Len Cook
 | |