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Detailed programme for Tuesday 4th July
Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

08:30-10:00Plenary AddressItapoã
PlenaryJoan Garfield
Chair: Carmen Batanero
*Collaboration in statistics education research: stories, reflections, and lessons learned
10.00-10.30Coffee breakExh Hall
10:30-12:30Parallel Sessions
Session 3K
Panel debate on teaching Statistics in context
Session organizer: John Harraway
Ita B
Johan Anton Van Buuren*Panel debate on teaching Statistics in context
Neville Davies . . .
Peter Petocz . . .
John Harraway . . .
Session 4D
Statistics for future statisticians
Session organizer: Celina Curti
Pel A
Ernesto Alfredo Rosa*Training for Applied Statisticians
Edith Seier*Influence of consulting in the selection of topics when teaching Statistics
Lúcia Pereira Barroso*Teaching for Applied Statisticians
Julie Legler*Educating future statisticians: awareness, diversity, service
Session 5D
Statistics education and the world of life and health sciences
Session organizer: Dalene Stangl
Pel C
J Andrés Christen*Teaching statistics basics to biology and health professionals through Bayesian ideas
Irina Arhipova*The role of statistical methods in computer science and bioinformatics
Keith R Abrams*Teaching Bayesian methods in bio-medical research
Jennifer Freeman*Innovations in curriculum design: involving subject specialists when teaching statistics to non-statistics students
Session 6G
Research methodologies in Statistics education
Session organizer: Tjaart Imbos
Pel B
Paul Fields*An example of individualizing learning and assessment through computerized testing
Nick J Broers*Learning goals: the primacy of statistical knowledge
Luc Bude*Assessing students’ understanding of statistics
Andreas Eichler*Individual curricula — beliefs behind teachers’ beliefs
Session 7B
On-line course and web-based instruction
Session organizer: Gabriella Belli
Ita C
Ann A O’Connell*Web-based instruction for statistical power analysis
Bryan Manly*Giving an internet course on Statistics to environmental scientists in eight countries
M. Gloria Icaza*Web site and concept maps to teach statistics
Rodney Carr*Developing and presenting conceptual maps of course content
Session 7C
General purpose statistical tools for students
Session organizer: Rolf Biehler
Ita A
Carmen Maxara*Students’ probabilistic simulation and modeling competence after a computer-intensive elementary course in statistics and probability
Deborah Nolan*Dynamic, interactive documents for teaching statistical practice
Ernesto Sánchez*Meanings’ construction about sampling distributions in a dynamic statistics environment
Session 06A
Contributed papers   Pel D
Karsten Schmidt*Throwing a die with a computer algebra system – in theory and practice
Juana Sanchez*Assessment of the pedagogical utilization of the statistics online computational resource in introductory probability courses: a quasi-experiment
Klara Lokos-Toth*Statistics teaching in Hungary
Peter Patrick Pipelers*A web-based exercise tool using randomized datasets for statistical education
Bingshu Wu*Teaching linear models based on operations research in statistical education
12:30-14:00Lunch time 
12:30-14:00Meetings and Special Sessions
SIG 2Young Latin American researchers in Statistics education
Organizers: Cileda de Queiroz e Silva Coutinho, Blanca R Ruiz Hernández
Ita B
Meeting 6
SERJ editoral board meeting
Organizer: Iddo Gal
Pel C
Session 4
The educational activities of the IASE
Organizer: Brian Phillips
Ita A
Session 12
A web-based statistical literacy learning object
Organizers: Cynthia Schield, Milo Schield
Ita C
Session 13
Statistics before your eyes: photographs of statistical concepts
Organizer: Robert Jernigan
Pel A
14:00-15:30Parallel Sessions
Session 1B
Co-operative efforts involving Statistics, local culture and consumers
Session organizer: Jerry Moreno
Ita A
Saleha Naghmi Habibullah*The first internship program organized by the Statistics Division in the history of Pakistan
John Holcomb, Norean-Radke Sharpe*Calls for 991 service: a collaboration between Cleveland State University and the Cleveland City Police Department
Session 3G
Teaching consultancy skills to statisticians
Session organizer: Edward Rothman
Pel A
Edward Rothman*Teaching students and staff consultancy skills
Enrique Ernesto Alvarez*Analysing data from a class taught with clickers
Flavia Rosamund Jolliffe*Practice improves presentation
Session 3J
Sampling for surveys
Session organizers: Alfredo Aliaga, Martha Aliaga
Pel C
Bruno de Sousa*Capture-recapture sampling: a student project
Peter Sedlmeier*The role of scales in teaching statistics for social science students
Alfredo Aliaga*Cluster optimal sample size for demographic and health surveys
Session 4C
Statistics in medicine
Session organizers: Reena Deutsch, Cynthia Long
Pel B
Abbas Bazargan*Strengthening research and statistical skills of medical doctors through a hands-on approach: a case study from Iran
Julia Maria Pavan Soler*Bio-statistics teaching in the new genome era
Cynthia Long*Training chiropractors for careers in clinical research
Session 5F
Statistics in sport
Session organizer: Robin Lock
Ita B
Larry Weldon*Sports team quality as a context for understanding variability
Robin Lock*Teaching an introductory statistics class based on sports examples
Jerome Reiter*Teaching the fundamentals of Statistics with sports data: Should teams walk or pitch to Barry Bonds?
Session 6D
Researching assessment in Statistics education
Session organizer: James Nicholson
Ita C
Rosemary Callingham*Assessing statistical literacy: a question of interpretation?
James Edward Ridgway*Reasoning with evidence — new opportunities in assessment
Robert delMas*Assessing students’ statistical reasoning
Session 8A
Mass media and statistics
Session organizer: Shir Ming Shen
Pel D
Fred Zandpour*Media studies and Statistics: real-world demands, classroom quandaries, and on-line solutions
Philip Yu*News-based learning of Statistics
Lynda Merriman*Using media reports to develop statistical literacy in year 10 students
15.30-16.00Coffee breakExh Hall
16:00-18:00Parallel Sessions
Session 2B
Successfully implementing statistical education in secondary schools
Session organizer: Roxy Peck
Pel A
Hanan Innabi*Factors considered by secondary students when judging the validity of a given statistical generalization
Juan Ortega-Moya*Meaning of the dispersion and its measures in secondary education
Gary Kader, Mike Perry*A framework for teaching statistics within the K-12 mathematics curriculum
Verônica Yumi Kataoka*Increasing secondary students’ Statistical knowledge by focusing on teachers’ engagement at Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Session 5G
Statistics education in the financial and actuarial world
Session organizer: Juan Manuel López-Zafra
Pel B
Philip Boland*Statistical methods in general insurance
Ricardo Gimeno*Statistics and Finance: living on the ‘hedge’
Juan Manuel López-Zafra*Statistics education for actuaries: the syllabus frame
Session 6H
New researchers’ mentoring forum: panel and discussion
Session organizer: Joan Garfield
Ita A
Michael Shaughnessy*Panel discussion on mentoring new researchers
Jane Marie Watson . . .
Carmen Batanero . . .
Rolf Biehler . . .
Session 7G
The role of simulations in Statistics education
Session organizer: William Finzer
Ita B
Lulu Healy*Constructing simulations to express developing statistical knowledge
Tim Erickson*Using simulation to learn about inference
Joachim Engel*Regression modeling in computer-supported learning environments
Paul Darius*Use of virtual experiments in teaching design and analysis of experiments
Session 9A
Statistics teaching in South America
Session organizer: Ernesto Sánchez
Ita C
Liliana Mabel Tauber*Comparative study on teaching statistics in mathematics and non mathematics colleges in Santa Fe (Argentina)
Irene Mauricio Cazorla*Teaching Statistics in Brazil
Audy Salcedo*The need of Statistics education journals in Spanish-speaking countries: the case of ‘hipôtesis alternativa’ (alternative hypothesis)
Session 08A
Contributed papers   Pel C
Silvio Zocchi*Generating different data sets for linear regression models with the same estimates
Eduardas Valaitis*Using business-style cases in an introductory Statistics course
José Antonio González Alastrué*Formal assessment of an innovative web-based tool designed to improve student performance in statistics
Anna Maria Milito*The results of a performance test: a multilevel analysis
Manfred Borovcnik*New paths in the teaching of statistics - with the help of spreadsheets
Session 08B
Contributed papers   (In Portuguese/Spanish)Pel D
Pérez López Cuauhtémoc Gerardo*Graduate students and their use of statistical knowledge in educational psychology
Ana Lara-Porras*New methodology for teaching Statistics in Biology: an interactive guide to learning with SPSS
Felipe Fernández*An approximation to the state of the art of statistics education in Colombian schools
Carolina Carvalho*Collaborative work in statistics among pre-service math teachers: an example from Portugal
Maria Cláudia Cabrini Grácio*Statistics applied to education: an analysis of teaching plans
18:00-19:00Focus on Posters: meet the authorsExh Hall
18:00--Meetings and Special Sessions
SIG 1Training Mathematics teachers to teach Statistics in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries
Organizers: Margarida César, Teresita Evelina Teran
Ita A
Session 2
Statistics visualization with Cabri-Géomètre II
Organizer: José Alexandre Martins
Ita B
Session 6
STARS - Statistical resources from real datasets
Organizer: Penelope Bidgood
Ita C

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