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(Monday 3rd, 12:30-14:00)

The educational activities of the ASA



The American Statistical Association (ASA) is a scientific and educational society founded in 1839 with the mission of promoting excellence in the application of statistical science across the breadth of human endeavor.

With over 17,000 members in government, academia, and the private sector, ASA members apply their expertise to diverse and vital areas that include medical research; environmental risk assessment; space exploration; quality assurance in industry; the examination of social issues; economic forecasting and the expansion of methods employing computers and graphics to advance the science of statistics.

ASA's commitment to the promotion and development of statistical education is recognized in the ASA Strategic Plan Mission statement and reflected in its activities and publications.

The aim of this session is to summarize the main educational activities of the American Statistical Association and to receive the participant's feedback as to the ways ASA can better reach its goals.