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Detailed programme for Monday 3rd July
Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

08:30-10:00Plenary AddressItapoã
PlenaryPedro L do Nascimento Silva
Chair: Daniel P Berze
*Statistical education for doing Statistics professionally: some challenges and the road ahead
10.00-10.30Coffee breakExh Hall
10:30-12:30Parallel Sessions
Session 2E
Training teachers for statistical education
Session organizer: Katie Makar
Ita A
Allan Rossman*A post-calculus introduction to statistics for future secondary teachers
Daniel Canada*Enhancing elementary preservice teachers’ conceptions of variation in a probability context
Pilar Azcárate*Analyzing teacher resistance to teaching probability in compulsory education
Session 3I
Teaching Bayesian Statistics
Session organizers: Carmen Batanero, Pilar Iglesias
Pel A
Lisbeth Cordani*Teaching independence and exchangeability
Jose M Bernardo*A Bayesian Mathematical Statistics Primer
Rosangela Helena Loschi*Unpredictability, probability updating and the Three Prisoners Paradox
Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira*Standard statistical concepts: can they produce incoherence?
Session 5B
Statistics education and the statistics profession
Session organizer: Neville Davies
Ita B
Len Cook*Some experiences in training statisticians in official statistical offices
Peter Petocz*Recognising and developing good statistics teachers
Brian Phillips*Statistics education and the communication of statistics: A report on the IASE/ISI satellite meeting, 2005
Session 6C
Research on developing statistical literacy
Session organizer: Flavia Rosamund Jolliffe
Ita C
Jane Marie Watson*Issues for statistical literacy in the middle school
Kazuhiro Aoyama*Investigating a hierarchy of students’ graph interpretation
Oded Meyer*Developing statistical literacy across social, economic and geographic barriers using a ‘stand-alone’ online course
Milo Schield*Statistical literacy survey analysis: reading graphs and tables of rates and percentages
Session 02A
Contributed papers   Pel B
Iain Pardoe*Forming small class groups using multidimensional scaling
Rebecca Pierce*SATS at Ball State University: approaches and attitiudes
Therese Wilson*Numeracy and statistical reasoning on entering university
Thu Pham-Gia*Discriminant Analysis Between Two Populations Using The Maximum Function
Ceri Underwood*Developing a programme of statistical training to support a competency framework in the ONS
Session 02B
Contributed papers   (In Portuguese/Spanish)Pel C
Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento*How should we teach the use of probabilities to take decisions when testing statistical hypothesis?
Edson Marcos Leal Soares Ramos*Statistical analysis of the graduation courses of the campus of Castanhal - UFPA
Teresita Evelina Teran*Elements of meaning and its role in the interaction with a computational program
Norma Patricia Caro, Margarita Díaz*Teaching Construction Classification Rules with Applications in Social Sciences
Norma Patricia Caro*A didactic proposal for the integration of statistics and basic informatics in an undergraduate pre-degree program: administration and economy of small and medium-sized businesses
Session 02C
Contributed papers   Pel D
Geoff Cumming*Meta-analysis: pictures that explain how experimental findings can be integrated
Martin Mudongo Chanza*A Third World University’s students’ perspective of statistics
Dalene Stangl*Progressive mastery testing: does it increase learning and retention? Yes and no
Jefferson Biajone*Promoting positive attitudes towards statistics in pedagogy majors through project work
Fayez Mourad Mina*The Development and Future of the Pre-University Statistical Education in Egypt: A Case Study
12:30-14:00Lunch time 
12:30-14:00Meetings and Special Sessions
SIG 1Training Mathematics teachers to teach Statistics in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries
Organizers: Margarida César, Teresita Evelina Teran
Pel C
Session 8
The educational activities of the ASA
Organizer: Martha Aliaga
Ita A
Session 9
Becoming a better referee of journal manuscripts: the SERJ experience
Organizer: Iddo Gal
Pel B
SIG 3International research forum on statistical reasoning, thinking and literacy
Organizers: Dani Ben-Zvi, Joan Garfield
Ita C
Session 11
The International Statistical Institute family
Organizers: Daniel P Berze, Jose A Pinto Martins
Ita B
14:00-15:30Parallel Sessions
Session 1A
Working cooperatively to promote Statistical literacy
Session organizers: Carol Joyce Blumberg, Enriqueta Reston
Ita A
Giovanni A Barbieri*The Worth of Data: the tale of an experience for promoting and improving statistical literacy
Vicki Crompton*Communicating statistics to the media: telling the story behind the numbers
Wendy Watkins*Introducing data into Canadian academic libraries: The straw that didn’t break the camel’s back
Session 1E
Cooperation in statistics education in Latin America
Session organizer: David Ospina
Ita B
Martha Aliaga*The American Statistical Association (ASA) vision to advance the statistical profession through educational ambassadors between the US and other nations
Guido E del Pino*International cooperation in statistics education in Latin America: the Chilean experience
Ana Silvia Haedo*Cooperation in research and in teaching statistics in Argentina
Session 3B
Teaching robust methods
Session organizer: Victor J Yohai
Pel A
Elvezio Ronchetti*The historical development of robust statistics
Victor J Yohai*The teaching of robust statistics for regression
Session 4F
Improving the statistical literacy of users through their professional activities
Session organizer: Rosa Giaimo
Ita C
Hans-Joachim Mittag*The use of advanced visualisation tools for communicating European data on earnings to the citizen
Paul J Mostert*Changing approaches and perceptions: Biostatistics and its role in teaching the Stellenbosch doctor
Álvaro González Villalobos*Sample survey statistics teaching: an almost worldwide problem on teaching agricultural survey methods
Session 5C
Statistics and journalism
Session organizer: Mary Gray
Pel B
Susie ElSaadany*Challenges in modeling and communicating rare and emerging infectious diseases related to blood safety
Reija Helenius*Working together with the media — experiences of Statistics Finland
Warren Palmer*Building houses on straw polls: a brief look at some current statistical reporting by journalists in New Zealand
Session 8B
Statistics and the law
Session organizer: Jane L Hutton
Pel C
Maria Dolores Huete-Morales*A direct method of statistics teaching in labour, social, juridical or economic studies
Janet Chaseling*Statistics in court: the ultimate communication challenge
David Lucy*Data collection and analysis in Forensic Science
Session 03A
Contributed papers   Pel D
Kenneth Morrison Brown*Cooperative work in Statistics projects for very busy students
Katarina Cobanovic, Zagorka Lozanov-Crvenkovic*Statistical graphics and experimental data
Marcos Nascimento Magalhaes*Comments on the learning in introductory statistics courses
Paul Fields*A constructivist approach to course design in a graduate statistics course
15.30-16.00Coffee breakExh Hall
16:00-18:00Parallel Sessions
Session 2A
Successfully implementing statistical education in primary schools
Session organizers: Efi Paparistodemou, Susan Starkings
Ita B
Jenni Way*Stochastics, digital learning objects and the primary classroom
Cynthia Langrall*The interplay between students’ statistical knowledge and context knowledge in analyzing data
Steven Nisbet*Developing a model to describe the use of context knowledge in data explorations
Session 3A
Statistics as a service subject in courses
Session organizer: Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Ita C
Eric Sowey*Letting students understand why statistics is worth studying
Angus Kennedy McFadyen*From statistician to ophthalmologist via nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy
Timothy E O’Brien*Teaching statistical concepts, fundamentals and modelling
Pieternel Verhoeven*Statistics education in The Netherlands and Flanders: an outline of introductory courses at universities and colleges
Session 5E
Statistics in the social sciences - Psychology, Sociology
Session organizer: Geoff Cumming
Pel A
Patrick Murphy*A non-standard approach to teaching an introductory Statistics course to social science students
Annie Morin*Intensive use of factorial correspondence analysis for text mining: application with Statistical education publications
Carmen Díaz*Assessing Psychology students’ difficulties with conditional probability and Bayesian reasoning
Fiona Fidler*Should Psychology abandon p values and teach CIs instead? Evidence-based reforms in Statistics education
Session 6B
Research on probabilistic reasoning and thinking
Session organizer: Michel Henry
Pel B
Sibel Kazak*Elementary school students’ informal and intuitive conceptions of probability and distribution
Blanca R Ruiz Hernández*An exploratory study of students’ difficulties with random variables
Cileda de Queiroz e Silva Coutinho*Using experimental approaches for teaching probability: working on a project using face to face and virtual sessions
Helen Louise MacGillivray*Using data, student experiences and collaboration in developing probabilistic reasoning at the introductory tertiary level
Session 7E
Technology-intensive curricula and instruction
Session organizer: Anthony Paul Harradine
Ita A
Allan Rossman*Using simulation to teach and learn statistics
Robin Rider*Differences in students’ use of computer simulation tools and reasoning about empirical data and theoretical distributions
Richard Charles Castle*Teaching spatial statistical techniques and concepts
José Alexandre Martins*Statistics visualization with dynamic geometry
Session 8D
History and the teaching of Statistics
Session organizer: Maria-Gabriella Ottaviani
Pel C
Ernesto San Martín*Piaget’s viewpoint on the teaching of probability: a breaking-off with the historical notion of chance?
Karen François*Teaching Statistics in a critical way: historical, philosophical and political aspects of Statistics
Mario Miguel Ojeda*Parallels, similarities and differences in teaching Statistics during the 20th century in Colombia and Mexico
Gilberte Schuyten*Fifteen years of IASE: mission and instruments
Session 04A
Contributed papers   (In Portuguese/Spanish)Pel D
Adrilayne dos Reis Araújo*The role of Statistics and Nutrition at Carlitos School (São Paulo, Brazil) — a pedagogical proposal for the statistics curriculum for the first years of basic school
Audy Salcedo*Statistics Education in Venezuela: the case of the basic and middle education
Irene Schiattino Lemus*Diploma in applied biostatistics: an experience in continuing education
Francisco Casanova del Angel*Postgraduate teaching performance evaluation system
Maria Teresa Gil*Teaching of Bayesian estimation of “p” probability in a bernoulli process
18:00-19:00Focus on Posters: meet the authorsExh Hall
18:30--Meetings and Special Sessions
SIG 4Curricular development in Statistics education in Latin America
Organizers: Olga Leticia Escudero, Clayde Regina Mendes
Ita A
Session 5
Organizer: Brad Payne
Ita B
Session 7
Software Demonstration
Organizer: Poobalan Naidoo
Ita C
Meeting 4
IASE Executive 1
Organizer: Gilberte Schuyten
Pel C

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