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An international perspective on Statistics education



The ICOTS conferences have been the ideal opportunity to springboard statistics education in developing countries by offering the knowledge of world experts to work collaboratively with local associations. It is particularly noticeable in countries from Africa, Asia and South America where the hosting of an ICOTS conference has lead to a noticeable increased interest and awareness of statistics education.

The global trend towards striving for statistical literacy of citizens has lead to school curricula all over the world containing vast amounts of statistical material. The CensusAtSchool project, undertaken in various countries, offers the prefect opportunity for the teachers to make their lessons more enjoyable by giving a worldwide perspective on analysis of the data collected in the local classroom.


9AStatistics teaching in South AmericaErnesto Sánchez (Mexico)
9BTeaching Statistics in African and other developing countriesRubén Cabrera (Bolivia)
Ana Silvia Haedo (Argentina)
9CStatistics teaching in AsiaDelia North (South Africa)
Lionel Pereira-Mendoza (Singapore)
9DCensusAtSchoolDoreen Connor (United Kingdom)