
Opening Lecture |
Pedro Silva
Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva, born in 1959, has been director of the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE) in the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) since June 2003, after spending most of his professional career at the Methodology unit of IBGE. He graduated (1996) with a PhD in Social Statistics from the University of Southampton, England. His main research interests are survey and sampling methodology applied to household and business surveys, as well as the analysis of survey data. He is a member of the International Statistical Institute, President of IASI (the Inter-American Statistical Institute) for the period 2004-2005, member of the Brazilian Statistical Association and of the Royal Statistical Society. He was the chief editor of Revista Brasileira de Estatística from 1997-2002. Pedro has extensive experience in teaching both at graduate and undergraduate levels, as well as providing short training courses for staff at the IBGE.
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After-dinner Speech |
Len Cook
Len Cook has been the National Statistician of the United Kingdom since May 2000. He was also the professional head of the UK Government Statistical Service. In October 2005 he returns to New Zealand but will at the same time hold a part time visiting Professorship at a London university. He was Government Statistician of New Zealand from January 1992 until May 2000. In both the New Zealand and British Statistics Offices he has worked to upgrade information management, integrate survey sources, expand professional methodology and analysis, and increase public and educational access to official statistics. After starting work in Statistics New Zealand in 1971, he worked in statistical methodology, and later in various roles managing population censuses, consumer prices index and macro-economic statistics as well as household surveys, information technology and marketing.
In April 2005, he was elected one of the Vice-Presidents of the ISI. He was programme organiser for the IASS programme at the 1995 ISI in Beijing. He has contributed papers about the application of statistical methods and statistical thinking to policy issues, in order to either challenge received wisdom or to increase confidence in the public information base in New Zealand. Other interests have been to enable the application of statistical methods in ways that extend the effective interpretation of official statistics, and the value of inferences that can be made by users (seasonal adjustment, integrating administrative records with statistical surveys, validation and imputation methods). In both NZ and the UK, he has extended the opportunities available to the research community for carrying out research using official surveys. He has introduced ways for bridging international and cultural interests in statistical applications and research.
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Panel Discussion: The challenges for cooperation in statistics education |
Pedro Morettin (Chair)
Pedro A. Morettin is Professor of Statistics in the Department of Statistics at the University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil. He earned a MA and a PhD in Statistics from the University of California, Berkeley. He is author or co-author of articles published in the American Statistician, Estadistica Espanola, Estadistica, Proceedings of ICOTS, Selenes, Journal of Educational Statistics, The Training of Statisticians Round the World (R.M. Loynes, Ed), of books on calculus, basic statistics, time series analysis and wavelets (all in Portuguese). His main field of research is time series analysis and applications in economics, finance and the physical sciences, but also has an interest in statistical education. He has published over fifty research papers in several international journals. He has been Chairman of the Statistics Department at USP, Dean of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics at USP, President of the Brazilian Statistical Association, Vice-President and President of the Interamerican Statistical Institute and Vice-President of the International Statistical Institute. He served as Editor of Estadistica, is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Forecasting.
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Allan Rossman
Allan Rossman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo (USA). He earned a PhD in Statistics from Carnegie Mellon University and previously taught at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania. He is co-author of the Workshop Statistics series of course books and of Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, and Methods. He also served as co-editor of STATS: The Magazine for Students of Statistics. He has given dozens of presentations and workshops on teaching statistics across the U.S. and around the world. He is President-Elect of IASE and co-editor of the ICOTS7 Proceedings. He has previously served as Chair of the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistical Education and of the ASA/MAA Joint Committee on Undergraduate Statistics. He was selected as a Fellow of the ASA in 2001.
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Pilar Martin-Guzman
Positions include Vice-President of the International Statistical Institute, Past President IAOS, Topic Convenor for ICOTS7, Chief Statistician of the National Statistical Institute of Spain, 1996-2000, Chairperson of the Standing Committee for Regional and Urban Statistics (ISI), 1994-96; Member of the Secretariat of the Conference of European Statisticians, U.N Economic Commission, 1999-2000; Member of the Bureau of the Conference of American statisticians, of UN/ECLAC, 1999-2000; Member of the Working Group on Economic Data, ISCC, International Social Sciences Council, IGBP, UNESCO, 1992; Member of the Spanish High Statistical Council, 1991-1994; Member of the High Level Experts Committee for the monitoring of the Population Census in Macedonia, 2001-2003.
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Evelio Fabbroni
Evelio completed an MPhil in Mathematical Statistics (1971), Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The George Washington University. He was Mathematical Statistician (1951), National University of Litoral (now National University of Rosario), Rosario, Argentina. He is currently Technical Secretary, Inter-American Statistical Institute (IASI) (March 1985-), A Member of the Advisory Board, Master's Program, School of Statistics, National University of Rosario, Rosario, Argentina (2000-) A Member of the Advisory Board, Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) - Latin America project, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota, USA (May 2002-).
Some former positions include Professor of Statistics, Doctorate in Education Program, Latin University, Panama (1995); Professor, Central American Master’s Program in Statistics, University of Panama (1994-95); Director, Office of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Panama (1987-94); Technical Secretary of the Inter-American Statistical Conference (Washington DC, 1985-87); Secretary General of IASI (1981-85); Professor and Academic Advisor, Inter-American Statistical Training Center (CIENES), Santiago, Chile (1963-81); Principal Specialist, Program on Statistical Education, Department of Statistics, General Secretariat of the OAS, Washington D.C. (1960-62).
He is member of IASI, International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS), Committee on Professional Ethics, of the International Statistical Institute (ISI); Founder member of the ISI’s International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS), of the Argentinian Society of Statistics (Sociedad Argentina de Estadástica-SAE), of the Society of Mathematics of Chile, and of the Panamanian Association of Statistics (Asociacián Panameáa de Estadástica-ASPADE).
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Jae Chang Lee
Education and Professional Activities include:
The Ohio State University: BS in Economics(1967), MS in Mathematics(1969), PhD in Statistics (1972)
International Statistical Institute (ISI): Elected Member Since 1984, Council Member(1993-97), Chair of Membership Committee(1995-99), Member of Programme Coordinating Committee for the 50th Session in Beijing(1993-95) the 53rd Session (Seoul): Chair, the Local Programme Committee (1998-2001); Vice President (2001-2003)(2003-2005), Organizer: ISI Cutting Edge Conference on "Demographic Problems of Countries Changing to a Market Economy" in Seoul (1997), Organizer: the 2004 ISI Special Conference on the Vital Role of Statistical Science in Assessing National Prosperity in Daejeon, Korea (2004).
International Association of Statistical Computing (IASC): Member of council(1989-93), Chair of Program Committee (1993-95), President Elect (1999-2001), President(2001-2003);
Co-Editor of the Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, the official journal of IASC (2003-)
President, the Korean Statistical Society (1990-91)
President, the Korean Classification Society (1995)
Founding President, the Korean Association of Official Statistics (1995-1999)
Member of the National Statistical Council, the Republic of Korea (1987-)
Chair of the Economic Statistics Committee, the National Statistical Office of Korea (1996-2000)
Chair of the Statistical Standards and Coordinating Committee, the National Statistical Office of Korea (2000-)
Chair of the Qaulity of National Statistics Committee, the National Statistical Office of Korea(2002-)
Bank of Korea( the Korean Central Bank) : Advisor (1987-93)
Korean Statistical Association: member of the Board of Directors (1992-)
Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies: member of the Board (1993-99)(2002-)
Elected member: the Korean Academy of Science and Technology since 1995
Founding Organizer for Korea-Japan Joint Statistical Conference (1983)
Co-organizer for Joint Statistical Conference of the Ohio State University and Korea University (1987 in Seoul)
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Denise Lievesley
Professor Denise Lievesley was appointed Chief Executive of the newly formed Information Centre for health and social care in July 2005, which has its headquarters in Leeds. Denise joined the Information Centre from UNESCO (based in Montreal) where, as Director of Statistics she established the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Denise is a former Director of the UK Data Archive.
She has recently been elected President of the International Statistical Institute, the first woman to hold this office which she will take up in 2007. She is a former president of the Royal Statistical Society and the International Association for Official Statistics and is the international member of the American Statistical Association.
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Plenary Lecture |
Bryan Manly
Bryan Manly was born in London and worked at the University of Salford and the University of Papua New Guinea before moving to the University of Otago, New Zealand, in the 1970’s. He left the Chair of Statistics in that university in 2000 to work as a consultant to Western EcoSystems Technology Inc. in Wyoming, USA. Then in May 2004 he moved to the Department of Exact Sciences, ESALQ, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil as a Visiting Professor of Statistics. He has a BSc and DSc from the City University in London, is an Adjunct Professor of the University of Wyoming, was Editor of the Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics from 1999-2001, is a Chartered Statistician of the Royal Statistical Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and has been awarded the title of distinguished Statistical Ecologist. He has 35 years experience as a researcher, consultant and teacher of statistics, specializing in applications of statistics to ecological and environmental Problems. He is the author of nearly 200 papers in scientific journals, six books on the statistics of natural selection, stage-structured biological populations, multivariate analysis, computer-intensive statistical methods in biology, the design and analysis of research studies in general, and the statistics of resource selection by animals, and numerous other publications.
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Plenary Lecture |
Joan Garfield
Joan Garfield is Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota where she directs a unique graduate program in statistics education. She prepares graduate students to become excellent teachers of statistics and carries out research on teaching and learning statistics. She has been an active member of the national and international statistics education communities, serving as Vice President of IASE, chair of the 1996 IASE Roundtable Conference, and Chair of the ASA Section on Statistics Education. She has edited or co-edited four books on statistics education and has published many articles on this topic. She currently directs the NSF-funded ARTIST project (Assessment Resources Tools for Improving Statistical Thinking) and co-chairs the international research forums on Statistical Reasoning, Thinking and Literacy. She is the Associate Director for Research of the CAUSE (Consortium for the Advancement of Statistics Education).
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Plenary Lecture |
Mike Shaughnessy
Mike Shaughnessy is currently a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Portland State University, Portland, Oregon. His principal research interests have been in the teaching and learning of probability and statistics and the teaching and learning of geometry, along with a continued interest in problem solving. He has recently been the Principal Investigator of a National Science Foundation research project to investigate the development of middle and secondary students’ conceptions of variability.
Dr. Shaughnessy has given over 140 national and international invited talks and workshops and has authored more than 60 books and articles in Mathematics Education, including chapters on the teaching and learning of probability and statistics in both the First (1992) and Second (to appear) Handbook of Research in Mathematics Education of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Dr. Shaughnessy has served on the editorial panels for the Journal of Research in Mathematics Education (JRME), Mathematical Teaching and Learning, (MTL) and Mathematics Education Research Journal (MERJ). He also served as a member of the Board of Directors of the NCTM (2001-2004). He has had visiting appointments in mathematics and statistics education in Spain, New Zealand, and Australia.
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Closing Address |
Chris Wild
Chris Wild is Professor and Head, Department of Statistics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, Past-President of IASE and co-author with G.A.F. Seber of Nonlinear Regression (pub. Wiley, 1989) and Chance Encounters: A first course in data analysis and inference (pub. Wiley, 2000).
He has been an Associate Editor of Biometrics, and is currently an Associate Editor of the International Statistical Review, the Statisics Education Research Journal, and the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics. Although his main research contributions have been in statistical methodology he also publishes in statistics education where his major interest is in the ways in which statisticians think and how these thinking patterns might be passed on to students.
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