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Statistics education/training and the workplace



Statistical thinking, methods and tools have become widespread requirements for many, if not all, areas of science, business, government, politics and community. Hence workers and professionals from all educational backgrounds are faced with the need to gather, process, analyze, interpret and report on data as part of their jobs. Many realize that they did not have the proper education and training required to perform these tasks with confidence and efficiency. In addition, statistical methods and tools are also changing fast.

The size of the statistical literature is vast, the impact of technology (communications and computing, in particular) on the methods and practices is substantial, and no single individual can aim to master all that is happening. Hence even statistically literate professionals that had their education in the past, will need to revise their training and update their practice to continually learn about new ideas, techniques and approaches that appear, which may question or improve upon previous behavior and methods. These two sets of circumstances pose a substantial challenge to those that need statistical thinking, methods and tools for their professional performance. Continued statistics education and training is a worthy goal to be pursued, and a substantial part of this must occur at the workplace.

The aim of this set of sessions is to bring together educators, professionals, practitioners and customers of statistical thinking, methods and tools to discuss ways in which effective statistical education and training can be developed at the workplace to help promote improved statistical practice in all avenues of professional life.


4AStatistics education and the engineering worldHelen Louise MacGillivray (Australia)
4BInternational cooperation in statistical training in the workplaceJosé L Cervera-Ferri (Spain)
Pilar Martin-Guzman (Spain)
4CStatistics in medicineReena Deutsch (United States)
Cynthia Long (United States)
4DStatistics for future statisticiansCelina Curti (Argentina)
4EStatistics for Environmental ScienceLiliana Gonzalez (United States)
4FImproving the statistical literacy of users through their professional activitiesRosa Giaimo (Italy)