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(Thursday 6th, 12:30-14:00)

Open meeting: ICMI/IASE Study on Statistics Education



In the past few years the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) has been increasingly interested in organising a Study specifically focussed on the teaching of Statistics. IASE accepted the ICMI invitation to collaborate in the organisation of this study.

The Study aim is to reflect on the detail of statistics teaching at school level and on the current situation with respect to the training of mathematics teachers to face the challenge of teaching statistics. It is intended to develop some recommendations and produce materials that can be used in the training of both prospective teachers at University level and in-service teachers who never had adequate preparation for teaching school statistics.

The Study Conference will be merged with the IASE Round Table Conference in 2008, and will be held at the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico in 2008.

The aim of this session is to present the state of planning for the Joint ICMI/ IASE Study: Statistics Education in School Mathematics: Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education and receive suggestions from IASE members to better focus the Discussion Document.