- Gilberte Schuyten (Belgium)
- John D McKenzie (United States)
- Flavia Jolliffe (United Kingdom)
Presenter | Co-authors | ||
C101 | Dichotomous thinking: a problem beyond NHST | Jerry Lai (Australia) | |
C104 | Identifying misconceptions about confidence intervals | Pawel Kalinowski (Australia) | |
C105 | Paradoxical games as a didactic tool to train teachers in probability | Carmen Batanero (Spain) | Jose Miguel Contreras José António Fernandes Mario Miguel Ojeda |
C106 | Students’ profile in higher education in Italy | Claudia Caruso (Italy) | |
C107 | A statistical game: the silent cooperation problem | Ernesto Sánchez (Mexico) | Alejandro Hernández |
C108 | A teaching experiment dealing with statistics in high school | Sandra Magina (Brazil) | Irene Cazorla Edgard Silva |
C109 | Statistical training in humanities and social sciences in group and at distance: exploration of the effects of teaching and lerning on collaborative work through the observable traces of social interactions in a system of online distance education | Jean-Claude Régnier (France) | Annick Pradeau Muhammad Shahid Farooq |
C110 | Research in statistical education: competence level of secondary school pupils | María Vega (Spain) | José M Cardeñoso Pilar Azcárate |
C111 | Statistics education in the social and behavioural sciences: from dichotomous thinking to estimation thinking and meta-analytic thinking | Geoff Cumming (Australia) | |
C112 | Comparing outcomes between online and face-to-face statistics courses: a systematic review | Kathleen Mathieson (United States) | |
C113 | Compare students’ attitudes to learn mathematics and statistics in China and Australia | Bingshu Wu (Australia) | Dong Q Wang |
C114 | Assessing mathematics competence in introductory statistics courses: an application of the item response theory | Silvia Galli (Italy) | Francesca Chiesi Caterina Primi |
C115 | Teaching regression models: an application with simulations | Irene Schiattino (Chile) | Rosa Montaño Claudio Silva Carmen Acuña Isabel Ormeño |
C116 | Students’ opinion on the subjects of statistics and probability in secondary schools of Lisbon, Portugal | Sara Caldeira (Portugal) | Helena Mouriño |
C117 | The opinion of the family about the performance of the schoolchild bringing knowledge to his/her own family: statistics on prevention of mouth cancer | Maria Lucia Marçal Mazza Sundefeld (Brazil) | Lucas Correa Homse Annelise Katrine Carrara Prieto Marco Aurélio Borella Rodrigues |
C118 | Supporting shifts in teachers’ views and uses of problem context in teaching statistics | Jana Visnovska (Australia) | Paul Cobb |
C120 | A comparative analysis between statistical tools adopted in scientific research of the speech therapy area and contents present in the area course syllabuses | Maria Cláudia C Grácio (Brazil) | Cora S T Paiva Patrícia S O Souza |
C121 | Toward improving the quality of doctoral education: a focus on statistics, research methods, and dissertation supervision | Rossi Hassad (United States) | |
C125 | Confidence intervals using interval arithmetic | Juan José González-Henríquez (Spain) | Nicanor Guerra-Quintana |
C126 | Linking probabilities to real-world situations : how do teachers make use of the mathematical potential of simulation programs? | Laurent Theis (Canada) | Annie Savard |
C127 | Statistic for the social sciences: a challenge | Nora Lac Prugent (Argentina) | Liliana Severino |
C128 | Improving capacities of translation through an educational process | Carlos Carrión-Pérez (Spain) | María Candelaria Espinel-Febles |
C129 | A content analysis of the statistics education discussion list, EDSTAT-L | Robert N Goldman (United States) | John D., Jr. McKenzie |
C130 | The impact of using pupils’ daily social practices as well as computerized simulators as a teaching medium on motivation and knowledge construction regarding probabilities among high school pupils | Vincent Grenon (Canada) | François Larose Jimmy Bourque Johanne Bédard |
C131 | The concept of mean by primary school students | Gilda Guimarães (Brazil) | Verônica Gitirana Mabel Marques Diego dos Anjos |
C132 | Independence of events: an analysis of knowledge level in different groups of students | Verônica Yumi Kataoka (Brazil) | Hugo Mael Hernandez Trevethan Claudia Borim da Silva |
C133 | The effect of contextualising probability education on differentiating the concepts of luck, chance, and probabilities among middle and high school pupils in Quebec | François Larose (Canada) | Jimmy Bourque Viktor Freiman |
C134 | Youth and Adults students interpreting bar and line graphs | Ana Selva (Brazil) | Izauriana Lima |
C135 | Teaching statistics at high school: an alternative approach | Lorí Viali (Brazil) | Renate Grings Sebastiani |
C136 | Implications of educational reform in Cyprus on the teaching of probability and statistics at the secondary school level | Irini Papaieronymou (United States/Cyprus) | |
C137 | Movies as a tool for improving our classes | Luis J Rodríguez-Muñiz (Spain) | |
C138 | Strengthening the understanding of sampling distribution and errors associated to the hypothesis testing in students of agricultural and environmental sciences | María Virginia López (Argentina) | María del Carmen Fabrizio María Cristina Plencovich |
C139 | Social representations of French-speaking undergraduate students in humanities and social studies in the use and difficulties in learning statistics | Alain Bihan-Poudec (France) | François Larose |
C140 | A semiotic analysis of “Mônica’s random walk”: activity to teach basic concepts of probability | Irene Cazorla (Brazil) | Tânia Gusmão Eurivalda Santana José Cajaraville |
C141 | Analysis of activity at statistical literacy: contributions of the activity theory | Irene Cazorla (Brazil) | Aida Carvalho Vita Eurivalda Santana Silvana Oliveira |
C142 | Fostering students’ statistical reasoning, self-efficacy, and attitudes: findings from a comprehensively reformed undergraduate statistics course | Aboma Olani (The Netherlands) | Rink Hoekstra Egbert Harskamp Greetje van der Werf |
C143 | The confidence intervals: a difficult matter, even for experts | Gabriel Yáñez Canal (Colombia) | Roberto Behar Gutiérrez |
C146 | Adjusting cognitive load to the student’s level of expertise for increasing motivation to learn | Jimmie Leppink (The Netherlands) | |
C147 | Non-statisticians learning statistics | Ayse Bilgin (Australia) | |
C148 | Personal Response Systems for teaching postgraduate statistics to small groups. | Andrew Titman (United Kingdom) | Gillian Lancaster |
C149 | Teaching statistics at a superior school of business management. Realities and challenges. | Sandra Nunes (Portugal) | Sandra Oliveira Sandra Monteiro |
C150 | The impact of video-based resources in teaching statistics: A comparative study of undergraduates to postgraduates | Norhayati Baharun (Australia) | Anne Porter |
C151 | Webquest: information and communication technology tool for statistical problem solving for middle school students | Ana Serradó-Bayés (Spain) | |
C152 | Coin-sequences and coin-combinations taught as companion tasks | Anthony Bill (Australia) | Peter Gayton |
C153 | Developmental changes in Australian school students’ interest for statistical literacy | Colin Carmichael (Australia) | Ian Hay |
C154 | Statistical analysis from the viewpoint of primary-school teachers and their teaching practice: explorative survey of an Italian region | Renata Clerici (Italy) | Emanuela Cisco |
C155 | Implementing the change: teaching statistical thinking not just methods | Irene David (New Zealand) | Jennifer Brown |
C156 | The American Psychological Association Publication Manual sixth edition: implications for statistics education | Fiona Fidler (Australia) | |
C157 | Motivation and self-efficacy related to probability and statistics: task-specific motivation and proficiency | Martin Gundlach (Germany) | Sebastian Kuntze Joachim Engel Laura Martignon |
C158 | Teachers’ perceptions of best practice in statistical literacy education | Ian Hay (Australia) | |
C159 | Aspects of statistical literacy between competency measures and indicators for conceptual knowledge: empirical research in the project “RIKO-STAT” | Sebastian Kuntze (Germany) | Joachim Engel Laura Martignon Martin Gundlach |
C160 | Teaching statisics online:a decade’s review of the literature about what works | Dheeraj Raju (United States) | Jamie D Mills |
C163 | Crisis of statistics pedagogy in India | Madhu Paranjape (India) | |
C164 | Developing robust understandings of variation | Susan Peters (United States) | |
C165 | Creating YouTube videos that engage students and enhance learning in statisitics and Excel | Nicola Petty (New Zealand) | |
C166 | Interpreting literacy and numeracy testing reports: what do teachers need to know? | Robyn Pierce (Australia) | Helen Chick |
C167 | The use of statistics in real and simulated investigations performed by undergraduate health sciences’ students | Rui Pimenta (Portugal) | Ana Nascimento Margarida Vieira Elísio Costa Margarita Viera |
C168 | Comparison of attitudes towards statistics in graduate and undergraduate health sciences’ students | Rui Pimenta (Portugal) | B. Mónica Faria Ilídio Pereira Elísio Costa Margarida Vieira |
C169 | Developing a framework for reasoning about explained and unexplained variation | Jackie Reid (Australia) | Chris Reading |
C170 | Simulating the risk without gambling: can student conceptions generate critical thinking about probability? | Annie Savard (Canada) | |
C172 | E-learning of statistics in Africa | Ian Dale (United Kingdom) | Cary Clark Roger Stern Sandro Leidi David Stern |
C173 | The use of computer-based tests to consolidate statistical concepts in Kenya | Doug Stirling (New Zealand) | David Stern Ian Dale Roger Stern |
C174 | Incremental modernisation of statistics teaching and curriculum at Maseno University, Kenya | David Stern (Kenya) | Omolo N Ongati John Ogonji Agure Betty Ogange |
C175 | Visual representation of the syllabus content about “data” | Chris Reading (Australia) | Theodosia Prodromou |
C176 | Teaching statistics in the context of biology: the symbiosis experience | Edith Seier (United States) | Karl H Joplin |
C177 | The teaching of statistics and probability in mathematics undergraduate courses | Lorí Viali (Brazil) | |
C178 | Strategies to make counter-examples while comparing two groups | Kai-Lin Yang (Taiwan) | Wen-Han Chang |
C179 | Interaction in synchronous chat tutorials to facilitate learning in introductory statistics | Christine McDonald (Australia) | Birgit Loch Margaret Lloyd |
C180 | Pre-service teachers’ understanding of probability distributions: a multilevel statistical analysis | Theodore Chadjipadelis (Greece) | Sofia Anastasiadou |
C181 | On teaching basic statistics: a capture-recapture example | Carla Rossi (Italy) | Flavia Mascioli Daria Scacciatelli |
C182 | Trajectories of learning in middle years’ students’ statistical development | Rosemary Callingham (Australia) | |
C183 | Statistics for the mathematically challenged | Michael Bedwell (United Kingdom) | |
C184 | Dissemination of good practice in teaching, learning and assessment of statistics in higher education | Penelope Bidgood (United Kingdom) | Nasrollah Saebi |
C185 | The student project: the importance of using statistics in being an agricultural scientist | Annalene Sadie (South Africa) | |
C186 | Developing statistical consultancy skills in post-graduate students: a case study | Stuart Sharples (United Kingdom) | Emily Yeend Brian Francis Gareth Ridall Jill Booth |
C187 | New e-learning course for social survey and introductory statistics | Kazunori Yamaguchi (Japan) | T Hirose Y Kanazawa Y Arakawa M Kagawa T Mizuhara |
C188 | Simulation using R from within Excel for teaching first year biologists | Gareth Ridall (United Kingdom) | |
C189 | Teaching statistics through ExperimentsAtSchool | Mark Crowley (United Kingdom) | Kate Richards Neville Davies |
C191 | Training of lecturers at Maseno University, Kenya | James Musyoka (Kenya) | David Stern Joyce Otieno |
C192 | The growing role of computers for teaching statistics in Kenya | Parin Kurji (Kenya) | Brigid McDermott David Stern Roger Stern |
C193 | Teaching strategies to promote statistical literacy: review and implementation | Svetlana Tishkovskaya (United Kingdom) | Gillian Lancaster |
C194 | Resource discovery for teaching datasets. | Valmira Hoti (United Kingdom) | Brian Francis Gillian Lancaster |
C197 | Distance learning for teacher professional development in statistics education | Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris (Cyprus) | Efi Paparistodemou |
C198 | Statstutor: an on-line statistics learning and teaching resource | Alun Owen (United Kingdom) | David Green Moira Petrie Neville Davies John Marriott |
C201 | Developing research literacy in academic medical research institutions: introducing an online modular course in biostatistics and epidemiology | Mohamed Abdolell (Canada) | Jennifer I. Payne |
C202 | Hidden jargon: everyday words with meanings specific to statistics | Christine Anderson-Cook (United States) | |
C203 | Student attitudes to real-world projects in an introductory statistics course | Ann Bingham (United States) | |
C204 | Statistics education in the context of critical education: teaching projects | Celso Campos (Brazil) | Maria Lucia L. Wodewotzki Otavio Jacobini Denise Lombardo |
C205 | Recipe for a Cobb salad in a time of easy computability | Robert H Carver (United States) | |
C206 | Enhancing statistical literacy through short open-ended questions that involve context, data, and upper level thinking | Robert Gould (United States) | Mahtash Esfandiari Hai Nguyen Yuliya Yaglovskaya |
C207 | Introducing large data sets into the classroom: a graphical user interface for teaching with databases | Ulrike Genschel (United States) | Heike Hofmann Danielle S. Wrolstad |
C208 | Enhancing conceptual understanding with data driven labs | Robert Gould (United States) | Gretchen Davis Rakhee Patel Mahtash Esfandiari |
C210 | Linking the randomization test to reasoning about p-values and statistical significance | Sharon Lane-Getaz (United States) | |
C212 | A key problem: pedagogical tradeoffs along familiar and generic dimensions | Dragan Trninic (United States) | Dor Abrahamson |
C213 | Teaching introductory statistics using student generated data in a large class | Aklilu Zeleke (United States) | Carl Lee |
C215 | Teaching statistics in a language other than the students’ | Khidir Abdelbasit (Oman) | |
C216 | Has there been a change in the nature and the level of statistical skills assessed in statewide mathematics university entrance level examinations since the introduction of the graphics calculator? | Peter Jones (Australia) | |
C217 | Interpretative skills and capacity to communicate statistically: a differential analysis | Pedro Campos (Portugal) | Emília Oliveira |
C218 | University introductory statistics courses in Iceland | Auðbjörg Björnsdóttir (United States) | |
C219 | Exploring the effect of statistical variability on children’s performance in a quantity judgment task | Gianmarco Altoè (Italy) | Franca Agnoli |
C251 | Statistical data analysis in psychology. generation of self examination questionnaires for students: approach to the item | Joan Guàrdia-Olmos (Spain) | Maribel Peró-Cebollero Montserrat Freixa-Blanxart Jaume Turbany-Oset Amàlia Gordóvil-Merino María Carrera-Fernández |
C253 | Meta database for datasets regarding statistical education | Peter Pipelers (Belgium) | Ellen Deschepper Heidi Wouters Olivier Thas Jean-Pierre Ottoy |
C254 | How students learn about data distribution when addressing a problem affecting their community | Yury M. Rojas (Colombia) | |
C255 | Chilean primary teachers challenged to build PCK for statistics | Raimundo Olfos (Chile) | Soledad Estrella |
C256 | Changing the understanding of probability in talented children | Soledad Estrella (Chile) | Raimundo Olfos |
C257 | Development and validation of the statistics teaching inventory (STI) | Jiyoon Park (United States) | |
C258 | Ethical-political aspects of statistical literacy | Karen François (Belgium) | Jean Paul Van Bendegem |
C259 | The significance of residuals on modeling data | Markus Vogel (Germany) | |
C260 | An experience in curriculum design for high school statistics education | Felipe Fernández (Colombia) | Luisa Andrade |
C265 | Is median an easy concept? Semiotic analysis of an open-ended task | Carmen Díaz (Spain) | Silvia Mayén |
C266 | Teaching statistics to a heterogeneous group: a “Goal-Oriented” approach | Saleha Habibullah (Pakistan) | |
C271 | Reviewing and promoting research in probability education electronically | Manfred Borovcnik (Austria) | Ramesh Kapadia |
C273 | The effects of an Audience Response System (ARS) on achievement and attitudes towards statistics in a introductory statistics class | Megan Mocko (United States) | Tim Jacobbe |
C274 | The future of interactive, electronic research: an exemplar from probability education | Ramesh Kapadia (United Kingdom) | Manfred Borovcnik |
C275 | Teaching: estimation of minimum sample size and the impact of effect size and altering the type: I & II errors on it, in clinical research | K R Sundaram (India) | Amrutha Jose |
C276 | Creating statistically literate global citizens: the use of integrated census microdata in teaching | Ann Meier (United States) | Robert McCaa David Lam |
C277 | Statistics learning and batiks: an innovative way of doing mathematics | Lucília Teles (Portugal) | Margarida César |
C278 | Analysis of a basic statistic course using item response theory | Dalton Andrade (Brazil) | Marcos Magalhães |
C279 | Principles and strategies in teaching probability | Talma Leviatan (Israel) | |
C280 | Elementary school students’ understanding of concept of arithmetic mean | Evanthis Chatzivasileiou (Greece) | Ioannis Michalis Christina Tsaliki |
C281 | Improving research in statistics education | Djordje Kadijevich (Serbia) | |
C282 | Teaching students to use the chi-square test when observations are dependent | Austina S S Clark (New Zealand) | |
C283 | Life after graduation: do statisticians fare better than other graduates in the Brazilian labor market? | Sonoe Sugahara (Brazil) | Kaizô Beltrão |
C284 | Electronic spreadsheets as a teaching aid to a generalized linear model course | Kaizô Beltrão (Brazil) | Sonoe Sugahara |
C285 | Understanding of arithmetic mean | Mateja Sirnik (Slovenia) | Silva Kmetič |
C286 | Data handling and statistics in external assessments | Mojca Suban Ambrož (Slovenia) | Sonja Rajh Jerneja Bone |
C287 | Data processing and statistics in the Slovenian curriculum | Amalija Žakelj (Slovenia) |