See another day’s programme:
Detailed programme for Thursday 15th July

Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

(This schedule is kept up-to-date and consequently changes may occur.)

Rooms: LH = Linhart Hall;   KH = Kosovel Hall;   E1, E2, E3, E4, M1, M3, M4 refer to smaller rooms

08:20-09:20Parallel Sessions
Session C13A
Contributed papers
Chair: Bruno de Sousa
Manfred Borovcnik*Reviewing and promoting research in probability education electronically
Ramesh Kapadia*The future of interactive, electronic research: an exemplar from probability education
Talma Leviatan*Principles and strategies in teaching probability
Session C13B
Contributed papers
Chair: Ernesto Sánchez
Ian Hay*Teachers’ perceptions of best practice in statistical literacy education
Robyn Pierce*Interpreting literacy and numeracy testing reports: what do teachers need to know?
Chris Reading*Visual representation of the syllabus content about “data”
Session C13C
Contributed papers
Chair: Cynthia Langrall
Anthony Bill*Coin-sequences and coin-combinations taught as companion tasks
Annie Savard*Simulating the risk without gambling: can student conceptions generate critical thinking about probability?
Rosemary Callingham*Trajectories of learning in middle years’ students’ statistical development
Session C13D
Contributed papers
Chair: Michael Bulmer
Peter Jones*Has there been a change in the nature and the level of statistical skills assessed in statewide mathematics university entrance level examinations since the introduction of the graphics calculator?
Yury M. Rojas*How students learn about data distribution when addressing a problem affecting their community
Markus Vogel*The significance of residuals on modeling data
Session C13E
Contributed papers
Chair: Silvia Galli
Dalton Andrade*Analysis of a basic statistic course using item response theory
Mojca Suban Ambrož*Data handling and statistics in external assessments
Djordje Kadijevich*Improving research in statistics education
Session C13F
Contributed papers
Chair: Koo Rijpkema
Robert Gould*Enhancing conceptual understanding with data driven labs
Peter Pipelers*Meta database for datasets regarding statistical education
Kaizô Beltrão*Electronic spreadsheets as a teaching aid to a generalized linear model course
Session C13G
Contributed papers
Chair: Carmen Batanero
Irene Cazorla*Analysis of activity at statistical literacy: contributions of the activity theory
Svetlana Tishkovskaya*Teaching strategies to promote statistical literacy: review and implementation
Celso Campos*Statistics education in the context of critical education: teaching projects
09:30-10:30Plenary SessionLH
PlenaryAnuška Ferligoj*Unifying graduate statistics: a big umbrella for a small country
Chair: Andrej Blejec
11:00-12:30Parallel Sessions
Session 2C
Statistical education at the Secondary/Higher Education interface
Session organizer and Chair: Jennifer Freeman
Lu Zou*Approaches to extra-curricular statistics support for non-statistics UG and PG: facilitating the transition to Higher Education
Brad Payne*SPoC – Statistics Poster Challenge for schools
Henry Kranendonk*Creating a World population model to analyze the dynamics of change
Session 3F
Similarities and contrasts in teaching mathematical and statistical thinking
Session organizer and Chair: Manfred Borovcnik
Ramesh Kapadia*Chance and necessity: the languages of probability and mathematics
Ödön Vancsó*Mathematical logic and statistical or stochastical ways of thinking: an educational point of view
Kathryn Laskey*Exploration and induction versus confirmation and deduction
Session 4E
Heterogeneity of student levels
Session organizer and Chair: Penelope Bidgood
Jennifer Brown*Teaching critical thinking to first year university students
Philip Sedgwick*Medical students and statistics challenges in teaching, learning and assessment
Rosie McNiece*An overview of techniques used in the teaching and assessing of knowledge and application of statistical skills across undergraduate levels
Session 5F
Assessing statistical reasoning and statistical thinking
Session organizer: Robert C delMas, Joan Garfield
Chair: Mike Shaughnessy
Beth Chance*Assessing student learning about statistical inference
Auðbjörg Björnsdóttir*Development of an instrument to assess statistical thinking
Michelle Sisto*Towards assessing understanding of prerequisite knowledge for sampling distributions
Session 7E
Statistics for biology and the health sciences
Session organizer and Chair: Karen Smith
Margaret MacDougall*Promoting autonomous learning in statistics among undergraduate medical students
Diana Battistutta*A model to optimise statistical independence and critical thinking amongst researchers in a diverse disciplinary setting
Ruth Allen*Statistics for the biological and environmental sciences: improving service teaching for postgraduates
Session 8E
Theoretical frameworks in statistics education research
Session organizer and Chair: Tim Burgess
Nel Verhoeven*Quality in statistics education: applying expectancy value models to predict student outcomes in statistics education
Chris Reading*Reasoning about variation: rethinking theoretical frameworks to inform practice
Andreas Eichler*The transformation process from written curricula to students’ learning
Session 9G
Effective online educational materials
Session organizer and Chair: Oded Meyer
Glenda Francis*Online learning materials: are they put to different uses by online and on campus students?
Candace Thille*In search of the “perfect” blend between an instructor and an online course for teaching introductory statistics
Doug Stirling*Improving lectures with CAST applets
Session 10B
Statistics education in Africa
Session organizer: Temesgen Zewotir
Chair: Delia North
Eshetu Wencheko*Statistics education in Africa: a case study with reference to Ethiopia
Mbulaheni Nthangeni*Statistics education in South African high schools
Charles Opolot-Okurut*Statistics in Ugandan schools: challenges on instruction and assessment
12:45-13:45Meetings and Special Sessions
Admin Meeting 5IASE Executive meeting 2
Organizer: Helen MacGillivray
SIG 3Classroom-based research with Fathom and TinkerPlots
Organizer: Vishakha Parvate
SIG 4Using GENSTAT at school level for free – a New Zealand experience 1
Organizers: Jeanette Chapman, John Harraway, Stewart Andrews
14:00-16:00Parallel Sessions
Session 2D
Using technology at school level to enhance statistical understanding
Session organizer: Rachel Cunliffe
Chair: Rolf Biehler
Stewart Andrews*Statistical software for teaching: relevant, appropriate and affordable
Pip Arnold*Enhancing students’ inferential reasoning: from hands on to “movie snapshots”
Vishakha Parvate*Fathom that!: an ethnography of the use of interactive data analysis software in a statistics class of a high school serving low-income students
Gail Burrill*Using data to make sense of statistics: the role of technology in scaffolding understanding
Session 3A
Professional development of teachers
Session organizer: Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris, Efi Paparistodemou
Chair: Doreen Connor
Juan D Godino*Tools for fostering and guiding the statistics teachers’ reflection on their own practice
Theodore Chadjipadelis*Statistics teacher of the new era: another specialized mathematician or a totally different person?
Katie Makar*Teaching primary teachers to teach statistical investigations: the uniqueness of initial experiences
Ana Luisa Gómez Blancarte*Training in-service teachers to develop statistical thinking
Session 6F
Service learning and statistics: integrating statistics education into the workplace
Session organizer and Chair: Ann A O’Connell
Debra Hydorn*Combining on- and off-campus service-learning in a statistics methods course
Julie Legler*Service-learning for statistics students in the global health arena
Herbert Thijs*STATCOM @ UHASSELT: yet another benefit for all parties
Golden Jackson*Promoting opportunities for statistics service-learning at a large urban university
Session 7D
Statistics education for engineering
Session organizer and Chair: Lena Zetterqvist
Helle Rootzén*Individualised learning for engineers — combining face-to-face teaching with non-linear web learning
Ingemar Sjöström*Statistics for the working engineer — bridging theory and reality using simulation
Andreja Drobnič Vidic*The impact of problem-based learning on statistical thinking of engineering and technical high school students
Richard Wilson*Using directed online tutorials for teaching engineering statistics
Session 8B
Research on developing students’ statistical reasoning at secondary and tertiary levels
Session organizer: Dani Ben-Zvi, Sibel Kazak
Chair: Dani Ben-Zvi
Chris Wild*Inferential reasoning: learning to “make a call” in theory
Maxine Pfannkuch*Inferential reasoning: learning to “make a call” in practice
Robert C delMas*Developing tertiary-level students’ statistical thinking through the use of model-eliciting activities
Jennifer Noll*Students’ statistical reasoning about distribution across grade levels: a look from middle school through graduate school
Session 10D
International projects that improve statistics education
Session organizer: Delia North, Enriqueta Reston
Chair: Chris Reading
Kazuhiro Aoyama*Developing a statistical learning environment: Japanese CensusAtSchool project
Pedro Campos*The International Statistical Literacy Project
Pali Jobo Lehohla*The ISIbalo project
James Cochran*An international quantitative education initiative and its impact on statistics education
Session C16A
Contributed papers
Chair: Richard Gadsden
Ian Dale*E-learning of statistics in Africa
Doug Stirling*The use of computer-based tests to consolidate statistical concepts in Kenya
David Stern*Incremental modernisation of statistics teaching and curriculum at Maseno University, Kenya
James Musyoka*Training of lecturers at Maseno University, Kenya
Parin Kurji*The growing role of computers for teaching statistics in Kenya
Session C16B
Contributed papers
Chair: Allan Rossman
Irene David*Implementing the change: teaching statistical thinking not just methods
Christine McDonald*Interaction in synchronous chat tutorials to facilitate learning in introductory statistics
Ann Bingham*Student attitudes to real-world projects in an introductory statistics course
Auðbjörg Björnsdóttir*University introductory statistics courses in Iceland
Jiyoon Park*Development and validation of the statistics teaching inventory (STI)
Kazunori Yamaguchi*New e-learning course for social survey and introductory statistics
16:30-18:00Plenary SessionLH
Plenary*The Great Debates of ICOTS 8
Coordinators:Chris Wild, Helen MacGillivray
Participants:Dani Ben Zvi, Adrian Bowman, Rob Gould, Irena Ograjenšek, Enriqueta Reston, Eric Sowey, Susan Starkings, Linda Young
EveningDinner (at Hotel Union Executive) with speaker: Professor Alphonso Fratellini