Contributed paper list

   (Friday 16th, 08:20-09:20)

Comparing outcomes between online and face-to-face statistics courses: a systematic review


Kathleen Mathieson (United States)


The increase in online learning has led to research comparing student outcomes in online and face-to-face (FTF) statistics courses. This systematic review presents an analysis of studies comparing student achievement and student satisfaction in statistics courses taught online to those taught FTF. Multiple databases, conference programs, and bibliographies from selected articles were searched. Among the 411 studies identified, 13 met inclusion criteria. Student achievement was generally similar between online and FTF methods, but results on student satisfaction were inconclusive. Studies comparing online and FTF statistics courses are characterized by considerable methodological limitations. Instructors teaching statistics online would benefit from future research that is grounded in sound methodology, that is informed by past research and theory, and that examines specific ways to improve learning in an online environment.