See another day’s programme:
Detailed programme for Tuesday 13th July

Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

(This schedule is kept up-to-date and consequently changes may occur.)

Rooms: LH = Linhart Hall;   KH = Kosovel Hall;   E1, E2, E3, E4, M1, M3, M4 refer to smaller rooms

08:20-09:20Parallel Sessions
Session C5A
Contributed papers
Chair: Matt Regan
Jerry Lai*Dichotomous thinking: a problem beyond NHST
Pawel Kalinowski*Identifying misconceptions about confidence intervals
Geoff Cumming*Statistics education in the social and behavioural sciences: from dichotomous thinking to estimation thinking and meta-analytic thinking
Session C5B
Contributed papers
Chair: Chris Reading
Carmen Batanero*Paradoxical games as a didactic tool to train teachers in probability
Ernesto Sánchez*A statistical game: the silent cooperation problem
Jana Visnovska*Supporting shifts in teachers’ views and uses of problem context in teaching statistics
Session C5C
Contributed papers
Chair: Teresita Evelina Terán
Maria Lucia Marçal Mazza Sundefeld*The opinion of the family about the performance of the schoolchild bringing knowledge to his/her own family: statistics on prevention of mouth cancer
Carlos Carrión-Pérez*Improving capacities of translation through an educational process
Gilda Guimarães*The concept of mean by primary school students
Session C5D
Contributed papers
Chair: Pip Arnold
Sandra Magina*A teaching experiment dealing with statistics in high school
María Vega*Research in statistical education: competence level of secondary school pupils
Laurent Theis*Linking probabilities to real-world situations : how do teachers make use of the mathematical potential of simulation programs?
Session C5E
Contributed papers
Chair: Gail Burrill
Irene Schiattino*Teaching regression models: an application with simulations
Andrew Titman*Personal Response Systems for teaching postgraduate statistics to small groups.
Dheeraj Raju*Teaching statisics online:a decade’s review of the literature about what works
Session C5F
Contributed papers
Chair: Doreen Connor
Annalene Sadie*The student project: the importance of using statistics in being an agricultural scientist
Aklilu Zeleke*Teaching introductory statistics using student generated data in a large class
Pedro Campos*Interpretative skills and capacity to communicate statistically: a differential analysis
Session C5G
Contributed papers
Chair: Karen Smith
Rui Pimenta*The use of statistics in real and simulated investigations performed by undergraduate health sciences’ students
Rui Pimenta*Comparison of attitudes towards statistics in graduate and undergraduate health sciences’ students
Mohamed Abdolell*Developing research literacy in academic medical research institutions: introducing an online modular course in biostatistics and epidemiology
09:30-10:30Plenary SessionLH
PlenaryJessica Utts*The strength of evidence versus the power of belief: are we all Bayesians?
Chair: Helen MacGillivray
11:00-12:30Parallel Sessions
Session 1G
Lies, damn lies, statistics: lessons from past and present for the future
Session organizer and Chair: Irena Ograjenšek
Donald L Bentley*The “compleat” applied statistician
Jessica Utts*Unintentional lies in the media: don’t blame journalists for what we don’t teach
Zenel Batagelj*Election poll “lies”
Session 3D
Learning to use context in teaching statistics at school and tertiary level
Session organizer and Chair: Maxine Pfannkuch
Dani Ben-Zvi*The multiple roles of context in the development of students’ informal inferential reasoning
Erna Lampen*Structuring contexts for statistical treatment: initializing statistical reasoning
Adri Dierdorp*Educational versions of authentic practices as contexts to teach statistical modeling
Session 4H
Integrating consulting with graduate education
Session organizer and Chair: Ian Gordon
Heather Smith*Experiences with research teams comprised of graduate students, faculty researchers, and a statistical consulting team
Wessel Hendrik Moolman*Communication in statistical consultation
Sue Finch*Lessons we have learned from post-graduate students
Session 4J
Sampling populations
Session organizer: Pierre Lavallée
Chair: Elisabeth Svensson
Alina Matei*Teaching survey sampling with the “sampling” R package
Anne Ruiz-Gazen*The use of Monte Carlo simulations in teaching survey sampling
Pierre Lavallée*Understanding sample survey theory with the “replicates-duplicates” approach
Session 7H
Official statistics in statistics education:links between IASE and IAOS
Session organizer: Irena Križman
Chair: Metka Zaletel
James Lepkowski*Teaching survey methodology: government-university partnerships in education
Reija Helenius*Improving statististical literacy by national and international cooperation
Dennis Trewin*Some case studies on the links between National Statistical Offices and statistical educators: what are the main developments?
Session 8F
Research methodologies in statistics education
Session organizer: Tjaart Imbos
Chair: Nel Verhoeven
Finbarr Sloane*Multilevel modeling of educational interventions: educational theory and statistical consequences
Robert Boruch*Randomized controlled trials and PhD level training in educational research
Sashi Sharma*Qualitative methods in statistics education research: methodological problems and possible solutions
Session 9C
Virtual environments and experimental learning in statistics education
Session organizer: Paul Darius
Chair: Deborah Nolan
Luc Duchateau*Setting up experiments in veterinary science: an example of virtual experimentation
Jorge Domínguez-Domínguez*A visual approach in the teaching of statistics and probability
Koo Rijpkema*Statlab: learning DOE by doing!
Session C7A
Contributed papers
Chair: Nicola Petty
Norhayati Baharun*The impact of video-based resources in teaching statistics: A comparative study of undergraduates to postgraduates
Martin Gundlach*Motivation and self-efficacy related to probability and statistics: task-specific motivation and proficiency
Sebastian Kuntze*Aspects of statistical literacy between competency measures and indicators for conceptual knowledge: empirical research in the project “RIKO-STAT”
Kai-Lin Yang*Strategies to make counter-examples while comparing two groups
12:45-13:45Meetings and Special Sessions
Admin Meeting 2International Statistical Literacy Project Advisory Board
Organizer: Helen MacGillivray
SIG 2Critical Numeracy - Statistical Literacy 2
Organizers: Milo Schield, Jane Watson
14:00-16:00Parallel Sessions
Session 2F
Making connections between educational research and teaching statistics at the school level
Session organizer and Chair: Jane Watson
Helena Wessels*Teacher knowledge and confidence in grade 8 and 9 data handling and probability
Helen Chick*Helping teachers to make effective use of real-world examples in statistics
Cláudia Borim da Silva*Exploring relations of Vitruvian Man to develop students’ reasoning about variation
Anthony Bill*Researchers cultivating a long-term relationship with schools
Session 4I
Integrating Bayesian methods with traditional statistics education
Session organizer and Chair: Laura Martignon
Carmen Díaz*Psychology students’ understanding of elementary Bayesian inference
Bill Bolstad*Comparing the Bayesian and likelihood approaches to inference: a graphical approach
Lisbeth Cordani*The very beginning of a class on inference: classical vs Bayesian
Stefan Krauss*Teaching young grownups how to use Bayesian networks
Session 5B
Methods for large scale assessment of meaningful knowledge of statistics
Session organizer and Chair: Nick J Broers
Claudette Vendramini*The statistics items in the Brazilian National Student Performance Exam (ENADE)
Susan Starkings*What do you know? Assessment beyond the traditional roles
Tjaart Imbos*Text analytic tools for the cognitve diagnosis of student writings
Session 7G
Statistics for non-quantitative majors
Session organizer and Chair: Milo Schield
Stephanie Budgett*Using media reports to promote statistical literacy for non-quantitative majors
Sean McCusker*Luring non-quantitative majors into advanced statistical reasoning (and luring statistics educators into real statistics)
Marian Kemp*A five step framework for interpreting tables and graphs in their contexts
Ian Gordon*How we can all learn to think critically about data
Session 8I
Research into learning statistics in vocational educational and training
Session organizer: Arthur Bakker
Chair: John Marriott
Corinne Hahn*The use of statistical tools by sales managers: forms of rationality and decision-making
Peter Martin*Evaluating statistics education in vocational education and training
Phillip Kent*Improving process improvement in industry by using alternative representations of process capability indices in computer tools
Arthur Bakker*The influence of technology on what vocational students need to learn about statistics: the case of lab technicians
Session 10A
Statistics teaching in the Asian context
Session organizer: Lisa Grace Bersales
Chair: Enriqueta Reston
D. S. Hooda*Statistics education in India: a review
Josefina Almeda*Teaching experiments for a course in introductory statistics
Gervacio Selda*Meeting the statistical training needs of statistical offices of countries in Asia and the Pacific region: the experience of the statistical research and training centre (SRTC) of the Philippines
Lisa Grace Bersales*The teaching of statistics in the Philippines: moving to a brighter future
Session 3H
Joint ICMI/IASE study on statistics education in school mathematics: challenges for teaching and teacher education (panel discussion)
Session organizer and Chair: Carmen Batanero
Chris Reading*Panellist
Gail Burrill*Panellist
Ernesto Sánchez*Panellist
Allan Rossman*Panellist
Session C8A
Contributed papers
Chair: Gilberte Schuyten
María Virginia López*Strengthening the understanding of sampling distribution and errors associated to the hypothesis testing in students of agricultural and environmental sciences
Alain Bihan-Poudec*Social representations of French-speaking undergraduate students in humanities and social studies in the use and difficulties in learning statistics
Aboma Olani*Fostering students’ statistical reasoning, self-efficacy, and attitudes: findings from a comprehensively reformed undergraduate statistics course
Jimmie Leppink*Adjusting cognitive load to the student’s level of expertise for increasing motivation to learn
Ayse Bilgin*Non-statisticians learning statistics
Sandra Nunes*Teaching statistics at a superior school of business management. Realities and challenges.
16:30-18:00Parallel Sessions
Session 1B
Evidence-based policy making
Session organizer and Chair: Sharleen Forbes
Joanna Littlechild*Evidence-based policy making: the Pensions Commission and beyond
Ben Kiregyera*The evidence gap and its impact on public policy and decision-making in developing countries
Session 3B
Pre-service preparation for primary teachers
Session organizer and Chair: Janet Ainley
Carlos Eduardo Monteiro*Student teachers developing their knowledge about data handling using TinkerPlots
Tim Jacobbe*Preparing elementary school teachers to teach statistics — an international dilemma
Aisling Leavy*Teaching statistics at the primary level: identifying obstacles and challenges in teacher preparation from looking at teaching
Session 4G
Learning statistics through projects
Session organizer: Nicholas Horton
Chair: James Curran
Shonda Kuiper*Incorporating a research experience into an early undergraduate statistics course
Mike Forster*Student discovery projects in data analysis
Katherine Halvorsen*Formulating statistical questions and implementing statistics projects in an introductory applied statistics course
Session 5C
Meaningful classroom measures of students’ conceptual understanding in statistics: panel discussion
Session organizer and Chair: Larry Weldon
Helen MacGillivray*Panellist
Richard Gadsden*Panellist
Maria Inés Rodriguez*Panellist
Session 6D
Medical statistics
Session organizer: Janez Stare
Chair: Glenn Jones
Willi Sauerbrei*Continuous variables: to categorise or to model?
Stephen Senn*Control in clinical trials
Geert Molenberghs*The applied statistical scientist in a high-profile academic environment
Session 8H
How to publish research in statistics education journals (panel)
Session organizer: Arthur Bakker, Flavia Jolliffe
Chair: Iddo Gal
Peter Petocz*Panellist
W Robert Stephenson*Panellist
Neville Davies*Panellist
Robert Gould*Panellist
Session 9F
Sharing data for educational purposes (standards, databases, case studies)
Session organizer: Deborah Nolan
Chair: Tae Rim Lee
Dennis Pearl*The CAUSEweb digital library: a diverse resource for statistics educators and education researchers
Hans-Joachim Mittag*Promoting statistical literacy: a European pilot project to bring official statistics into university and secondary school classrooms
Kate Richards*On and off-line dynamic data interrogation
Session C9A
Contributed papers
Chair: Kay Lipson
Bingshu Wu*Compare students’ attitudes to learn mathematics and statistics in China and Australia
Sara Caldeira*Students’ opinion on the subjects of statistics and probability in secondary schools of Lisbon, Portugal
Fiona Fidler*The American Psychological Association Publication Manual sixth edition: implications for statistics education
Penelope Bidgood*Dissemination of good practice in teaching, learning and assessment of statistics in higher education
18:00-19:00Focus on Posters: meet the authors
18:30--Meetings and Special Sessions
Admin Meeting 4IASE Open Meeting
Organizer: Helen MacGillivray