See another day’s programme:
Detailed programme for Monday 12th July

Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

(This schedule is kept up-to-date and consequently changes may occur.)

Rooms: LH = Linhart Hall;   KH = Kosovel Hall;   E1, E2, E3, E4, M1, M3, M4 refer to smaller rooms

09:30-10:30Plenary SessionLH
PlenaryHans Rosling*What showbiz has to do with it
Chair: John Harraway
11:00-12:30Parallel Sessions
Session 3E
Learning to teach data-based statistics at school and tertiary level
Session organizer and Chair: Gail Burrill
Anneke Verschut*Towards evaluation criteria for coherence of a data-based statistics curriculum
Carl Lee*Some issues of data production in teaching statistics
Christine Franklin*Models of teacher preparation designed around the GAISE Framework
Session 4A
A taxonomy of statistics courses
Session organizer and Chair: Alison Gibbs
Larry Weldon*Banishing the theory-applications dichotomy from statistics education
Kevin Keen*Accommodating specialists and non-specialists in statistics courses
Lena Zetterqvist*Specialized basic courses for engineering students: a necessity or a nuisance?
Session 5A
Assessing progress and performance with authentic and alternative assessment techniques
Session organizer and Chair: Bruno de Sousa
Martha Aliaga*Assessment within Census at School: a pilot program in the United States
Rachelle Hackett*Contrasting cases: the “B versus C” assessment tool for activating transfer
Carmen Batanero*Assessing pre-service teachers’ conceptions of randomness through project work
Session 7A
Statistics and the media
Session organizer and Chair: Patrick Murphy
Milo Schield*Association-causation problems in news stories
Rebecca Goldin*Spinning heads and spinning news: the American media’s gap in quantitative reasoning skills
Kevin McConway*Statistics on national radio: some insights from working with professional broadcasters
Session 8G
New researchers’ mentoring forum: panel and discussion
Session organizer: Joan Garfield
Chair: Robert delMas
Andee Rubin*Panellist
Dani Ben-Zvi*Panellist
Maxine Pfannkuch*Panellist
Arthur Bakker*Panellist
Session 9A
New paradigms in teaching statistics through technology
Session organizer and Chair: Chris Wild
Stefan Steiner*Learning to apply statistics using a virtual environment
Deborah Nolan*Learning from the statistician’s lab notebook
Jim Ridgway*Pupils reasoning with information and misinformation
Session 10E
The role that National Statistics Offices play in promoting statistics literacy
Session organizer: Len Cook
Chair: Dennis Trewin
Paola Giacché*Beyond the data: exploiting the IT tools young and adult people use in their everyday life
Markus Zwick*The lecture series “Economic statistics: data production and data analysis in the official statistics” from the Federal Statistical Office
Enriqueta Reston*Statistical literacy assessment and training of government personnel using data from National Statistics Office: Philippine context
Session C2A
Contributed papers
Chair: John D McKenzie
Colin Carmichael*Developmental changes in Australian school students’ interest for statistical literacy
Susan Peters*Developing robust understandings of variation
Jackie Reid*Developing a framework for reasoning about explained and unexplained variation
Theodore Chadjipadelis*Pre-service teachers’ understanding of probability distributions: a multilevel statistical analysis
12:45-13:45Meetings and Special Sessions
SIG 1Critical Numeracy - Statistical Literacy 1
Organizers: Milo Schield, Jane Watson
Admin Meeting 1IASE Executive meeting 1
Organizer: Helen MacGillivray
14:00-16:00Parallel Sessions
Session 1C
Evidence-based management
Session organizer and Chair: Ron Kenett
Shirley Coleman*Diagnosis, provision and assessment of quantitative skills for managers in local government
Oriol Camps-Lorente*Information quality for process improvement
Masha Etkind*The evidence-based management of learning: diagnosis and development of conceptual thinking with Meaning Equivalence Reusable Learning Objects (MERLO)
Stefano Barone*Enhanced TESF methodology for course excellence
Session 2A
Learners’ first experiences of handling data — focusing on 7 to 13 year olds
Session organizer and Chair: Rosemary Callingham
Steven Nisbet*National testing of data handling in years 3, 5 and 7 in Australia
Cynthia Langrall*Does context expertise make a difference when dealing with data?
Jill Fielding-Wells*Linking problems, conclusions and evidence: primary students’ early experiences of planning statistical investigations
Efi Paparistodemou*Engaging young children in informal statistical inference
Session 4D
Innovations in teaching statistics at the tertiary level
Session organizer and Chair: Mike Forster
Xiao-Li Meng*Real-life module statistics: a happy Harvard experiment
James Curran*Visualising inference
Eric Sowey*Enriching statistics courses with statistical diversions
Jeffrey Witmer*Stats2: An applied statistics modeling course
Session 8A
Research on developing students’ statistical reasoning in primary and middle school
Session organizer: Dani Ben-Zvi, Sibel Kazak
Chair: Sibel Kazak
Sue Allmond*Developing primary students’ ability to pose questions in statistical investigations
Rich Lehrer*How students’ spontaneous use of statistical tools shapes their thinking about precision
Einat Gil*Emergence of reasoning about sampling among young students in the context of informal inferential reasoning
Noleine Fitzallen*Developing statistical reasoning facilitated by TinkerPlots
Session 8J
Evidence-based statistical practice
Session organizer and Chair: Fiona Fidler
Ruth Beyth-Marom*Integrating the normative (statistics), the descriptive (psychology), and the prescriptive (education) in statistical education
Rink Hoekstra*The influence of presentation on the interpretation of inferential results
Peter Sedlmeier*The role of external representations in understanding probabilistic concepts
Geoff Cumming*Understanding, teaching, and using p values
Session 9D
Advancing statistics education through visualization technologies
Session organizer and Chair: Paul Murrell
Hadley Wickham*Using visualisation to teaching data analysis and programming
Adrian Bowman*Statistical cartoons: the role of graphics in understanding statistics
Hans Rosling*Using Gapminder tools to animate statistics
Session 10G
One hundred years of progress — teaching statistics 1910 to 2010: what have we learned?
Session organizer and Chair: John Harraway
John Bibby*Florence Nightingale (d.1910): passionate educator?
Metka Zaletel*Evolutions and revolutions in government statistics, and what we need to teach and learn
Neville Davies*One hundred years of progress — teaching statistics 1910 to 2010: what have we learned? Part 1: It’s not mathematics but real data in context
John Marriott*One hundred years of progress — teaching statistics 1910 to 2010: what have we learned? Part 2: Problem solving, pedagogy and employees
Session C3A
Contributed papers
Chair: Tim Burgess
Claudia Caruso*Students’ profile in higher education in Italy
Maria Cláudia C Grácio*A comparative analysis between statistical tools adopted in scientific research of the speech therapy area and contents present in the area course syllabuses
Rossi Hassad*Toward improving the quality of doctoral education: a focus on statistics, research methods, and dissertation supervision
Robert N Goldman*A content analysis of the statistics education discussion list, EDSTAT-L
Ana Selva*Youth and Adults students interpreting bar and line graphs
Luis J Rodríguez-Muñiz*Movies as a tool for improving our classes
16:30-18:00Parallel Sessions
Session 1A
Evidence-based medicine
Session organizer: Glenn Jones, Katrina Sharples
Chair: Janez Stare
Glenn Jones*Evidence-generating research and evidence-based medicine
Karen Smith*Divergent needs of learners in evidence based medicine
Martin Bland*Drip-feed education: statistics notes in the British Medical Journal
Session 3G
Diversity in types of teaching at the tertiary level
Session organizer: Martha Aliaga, Michael Bulmer
Chair: Martha Aliaga
Bruno de Sousa*How technology can help or complicate the teaching of statistics depending on the class size
W Robert Stephenson*Diversity and differentiated instruction and learning
Lawrence Lesser*Equity and the increasingly diverse tertiary student population: challenges and opportunities in statistics education
Session 4B
Less parametric methods in statistics
Session organizer and Chair: Noël Veraverbeke
Ricardo Cao*The use of statistical software to teach nonparametric curve estimation: from Excel to R
Joachim Engel*On teaching bootstrap confidence intervals
Marlene Müller*Exploring data with non- and semiparametric models
Session 5E
Assessing statistical literacy and critical understanding of real-world messages related to statistics, probability, and risk
Session organizer and Chair: Jessica Utts
Jane Watson*Assessing the interpretation of two-way tables as part of statistical literacy
Janet Ainley*It’s not what you know, it’s recognising the power of what you know: assessing understanding of utility
Jennifer Kaplan*Post secondary and adult statistical literacy: assessing beyond the classroom
Session 6A
Environmental statistics
Session organizer and Chair: Jennifer Brown
Lyman McDonald*The need for teaching weighted distribution theory: illustrated with applications in environmental statistics
William Harper*Amarillo by morning: data visualization in geostatistics
Ian Westbrooke*Statistics education in a conservation organisation — towards evidence based management
Session 7F
Statistics in business
Session organizer and Chair: Irena Ograjenšek
Mojca Bavdaz*Interaction between establishment statisticians and statistics educators - the potential of ENBES
Bart De Ketelaere*High dimensional data – a growing business
Iddo Gal*Some arguments for integration of qualitative methods into business statistics courses
Session 9B
Rethinking the statistics curriculum: computing skills our students need
Session organizer: Duncan Temple Lang
Chair: James Nicholson
Paul Murrell*Developing introductory computing for stats undergraduates
Duncan Temple Lang*Integrating computing and data technologies into the statistics curricula
Jane M Horgan*Introducing undergraduates to probability using the open-source programming language R
Session C4A
Contributed papers
Chair: Ruth Allen
Edith Seier*Teaching statistics in the context of biology: the symbiosis experience
Carla Rossi*On teaching basic statistics: a capture-recapture example
Michael Bedwell*Statistics for the mathematically challenged
Gareth Ridall*Simulation using R from within Excel for teaching first year biologists
18:00-19:00Focus on Posters: meet the authors
18:30--Meetings and Special Sessions
Admin Meeting 3International Statistical Literacy Project open meeting
Organizer: Reija Helenius