See another day’s programme:
Detailed programme for Wednesday 14th July

Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

(This schedule is kept up-to-date and consequently changes may occur.)

Rooms: LH = Linhart Hall;   KH = Kosovel Hall;   E1, E2, E3, E4, M1, M3, M4 refer to smaller rooms

08:20-09:20Parallel Sessions
Session C10A
Contributed papers
Chair: Blanca Ruiz
Vincent Grenon*The impact of using pupils’ daily social practices as well as computerized simulators as a teaching medium on motivation and knowledge construction regarding probabilities among high school pupils
Verônica Yumi Kataoka*Independence of events: an analysis of knowledge level in different groups of students
François Larose*The effect of contextualising probability education on differentiating the concepts of luck, chance, and probabilities among middle and high school pupils in Quebec
Session C10B
Contributed papers
Chair: Katie Makar
Khidir Abdelbasit*Teaching statistics in a language other than the students’
Raimundo Olfos*Chilean primary teachers challenged to build PCK for statistics
Renata Clerici*Statistical analysis from the viewpoint of primary-school teachers and their teaching practice: explorative survey of an Italian region
Session C10C
Contributed papers
Chair: Jerry Moreno
Evanthis Chatzivasileiou*Elementary school students’ understanding of concept of arithmetic mean
Mateja Sirnik*Understanding of arithmetic mean
Ana Serradó-Bayés*Webquest: information and communication technology tool for statistical problem solving for middle school students
Session C10D
Contributed papers
Chair: Jackie Reid
Lorí Viali*Teaching statistics at high school: an alternative approach
Irini Papaieronymou*Implications of educational reform in Cyprus on the teaching of probability and statistics at the secondary school level
Mark Crowley*Teaching statistics through ExperimentsAtSchool
Session C10E
Contributed papers
Chair: Andee Rubin
Lorí Viali*The teaching of statistics and probability in mathematics undergraduate courses
Robert H Carver*Recipe for a Cobb salad in a time of easy computability
Gianmarco Altoè*Exploring the effect of statistical variability on children’s performance in a quantity judgment task
Session C10F
Contributed papers
Chair: Dalton Andrade
Silvia Galli*Assessing mathematics competence in introductory statistics courses: an application of the item response theory
Joan Guàrdia-Olmos*Statistical data analysis in psychology. generation of self examination questionnaires for students: approach to the item
Megan Mocko*The effects of an Audience Response System (ARS) on achievement and attitudes towards statistics in a introductory statistics class
Session C10G
Contributed papers
Chair: Paola Giacché
Nicola Petty*Creating YouTube videos that engage students and enhance learning in statisitics and Excel
Alun Owen*Statstutor: an on-line statistics learning and teaching resource
Ulrike Genschel*Introducing large data sets into the classroom: a graphical user interface for teaching with databases
09:30-10:30Plenary SessionLH
PlenaryGerd Gigerenzer*Helping doctors and patients make sense of health statistics: towards an evidence-based society
Chair: Joachim Engel
11:00-13:00Parallel Sessions
Session 2B
Secondary-level statistical education
Session organizer: Henry Kranendonk
Chair: Mike Shaughnessy
Hugo Hernández*Random walks in teaching probability at the high school
Jerry Moreno*Data analysis: linking mathematics, science, and social studies
Doreen Connor*Helping mathematics teachers teach statistics: challenges and potentials
Daren Starnes*Making sense of statistical studies: a capstone experience for secondary students
Session 3C
The impact of technology on learning to teach statistics
Session organizer: Rolf Biehler
Chair: Doug Stirling
Thomas Wassong*A model for teacher knowledge as a basis for online courses for professional development of statistics teachers
Carmen Maxara*Students’ understanding and reasoning about sample size and the law of large numbers after a computer-intensive introductory course on stochastics
William Finzer*An attempt to reconcile teaching content, pedagogy, and software in an online course for teachers
Santiago Inzunsa*High school teachers’ reasoning about data analysis in a dynamics statistical environment
Session 4F
Sensible use of multivariate software
Session organizer and Chair: Lisa L Harlow
Fiona Fidler*Effect sizes and confidence intervals for multivariate analysis: how complete are published accounts of research in psychology?
Elly Korendijk*A sampling of analyses and software use for cluster randomized trials over the last decade
Wayne Velicer*Applying idiographic research methods: two examples
Sigbert Klinke*Exploratory factor analysis in Mplus, R and SPSS
Session 6G
Preparing for the world of work: lessons for statistics education from beyond the field
Session organizer: Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren, Lars Owe Dahlgren
Chair: Neville Davies
Alison Gibbs*Lessons from medicine for training professional statisticians
Anna Reid*Applying a model of professional learning to case studies in statistics education
Gemma Hamilton*Statistical training for non-statistical staff at the Office for National Statistics
Kay Lipson*The importance of teaching statistics in a professional context
Session 7B
Statistics and sports
Session organizer and Chair: Stephen Krevisky
Christopher Barnes*Teaching statistics to sports scientists and sports administrators: would it be easier to train monkeys?
Robin Lock*Statistical models for student projects with sports themes
Michael Fletcher*Mathematics and popular culture
Vittorio Addona*Using sports data to motivate statistical concepts: experiences from a freshman course
Session 8C
Making sense of risk
Session organizer and Chair: Cliff Konold, Dave Pratt
Phillip Kent*Teaching uncertainty and risk in mathematics and science
Laura Martignon*Conditions for risk assessment as a topic for probabilistic education
Tim Erickson*Exploring risk through simulation
Cliff Konold*Workshop: Tools for exploring ideas about risk
Dave Pratt*Workshop: Tools for exploring ideas about risk
Session 10C
Statistics education in developing countries
Session organizer and Chair: Maria Gabriella Ottaviani
Liza Lorena Jala*Assessment of graduate students’ conception of statistical inference: Philippine perspective
Delia North*Training teachers to teach statistics in South Africa: realities and attitudes
M Alejandra Sorto*Comparing teachers’ statistical knowledge in Botswana and South Africa: some preliminary results
Adriana D’Amelio*Opportunities, challenges and statistical cooperation in the implementation of a statistical literacy project in Mendoza, Argentina
Session 1F
Creating an evidence-based society
Session organizer: Juana Sanchez
Chair: Susan Starkings
Enrico Giovannini*Wikis, dynamic charts, videos and other innovative tools to transform statistics into knowledge
Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento*What we know and what we should know; examples of ways of helping real users of statistical information
Maseka Lesaoana*Analysis of clustered measurements: a comparison of the performance of foundation year students, 1994 cohort, with those of direct students, 1995 cohort, at the University of Limpopo, South Africa