Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 15th, 08:20-09:20)

Interpreting literacy and numeracy testing reports: what do teachers need to know?


Robyn Pierce, Helen Chick


Robyn Pierce (Australia)


Australia’s national testing of students’ literacy and numeracy provides schools with a range of statistical reports analysing the school’s results. The education authority intends that these data be used to inform planning to improve students’ learning. Although lower secondary mathematics and English teachers see potential for using reports to identify weak students and curriculum topics needing attention, they consider the reports difficult to understand. This paper examines one such literacy test report together with typical “everyday” statistical graphics, and identifies the statistical literacy required to interpret each. The analysis suggests that the statistical literacy needed for interpreting the test report is greater than might be expected of teachers without any specific statistical education. Context-driven, targeted statistical learning will be necessary if testing reports are to inform teachers’ professional practice as intended.