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This is a session of Topic 5: Statistics education and the wider society             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 10:30-12:30)

Statistics education and the world of life and health sciences



Students in the life and health sciences often have difficulty understanding basic statistical concepts such as sampling distributions and tests of significance. Bayesian statisticians argue that understanding would improve if statistics was taught from a Bayesian perspective, as it provides a more natural way of thinking about statistical inference and can more appropriately link statistical inference and decision making. This group of talks will cover the experiences and research of the speakers on teaching Bayesian methods to students and professionals in the life and health sciences.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
5D1Teaching statistics basics to biology and health professionals through Bayesian ideasJ Andrés Christen (Mexico)
Romulo Lins
5D2The role of statistical methods in computer science and bioinformaticsIrina Arhipova (Latvia)
5D3Teaching Bayesian methods in bio-medical researchKeith R Abrams (United Kingdom)
5D4Innovations in curriculum design: involving subject specialists when teaching statistics to non-statistics studentsJennifer Freeman (England)
Kevin Smith
David Staniforth
Steve Collier