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This is a session of Topic 3: Statistics education at the post-secondary level             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 14:00-15:30)

Teaching consultancy skills to statisticians



The skills required of a consultant include the substantive knowledge to provide clients with a useful answer as well as communicate with the client. How we teach these communication skills in the theory classes, and in our consulting classes is the focus of this session. Key elements include visualization of the solution, nuclear elements of the theoretical models, interpersonal skills to allow information to flow, and a deep understanding of the substantive field.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
3G1Teaching students and staff consultancy skillsEdward Rothman (United States)
3G2Analysing data from a class taught with clickersEnrique Ernesto Alvarez (Argentina)
3G3Practice improves presentationFlavia Rosamund Jolliffe (United Kingdom)