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This is a session of Topic 6: Research in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 14:00-15:30)

Researching assessment in Statistics education



This session focuses on research in the area of assessment in statistics education. It is envisaged that the presentations will describe research in progress on questions such as:

  • As the mechanics of computation and graphical presentation become ever more automated in the uses of statistics, how should the methods of assessment change?
  • As statistics becomes more multi-disciplinary, what impact does this have on what methods of assessment are appropriate?
  • Does technology offer innovative ways of assessment?
  • Where should statistics assessment be located within national frameworks?

Research on other questions in this field will be welcomed.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
6D1Assessing statistical literacy: a question of interpretation?Rosemary Callingham (Australia)
6D2Reasoning with evidence — new opportunities in assessmentJames Edward Ridgway (United Kingdom)
Sean McCusker
James Nicholson (United Kingdom)
6D3Assessing students’ statistical reasoningRobert delMas (United States)
Ann Ooms
Joan Garfield
Beth Chance