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This is a session of Topic 4: Statistics education/training and the workplace             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 14:00-15:30)

Statistics in medicine



The pace of medical research is astounding, as technology and treatments are advancing rapidly, and new discoveries as well as new diseases are reported every day. Health care professionals are faced with the task of absorbing a constant flow of new knowledge in their field of practice in order to deliver state-of-the-art medical care and conduct their own research.

Medical students, postgraduate trainees, and seasoned physicians must possess the tools and abilities to understand the issues related to designing a valid scientific study and to comprehend the quantitative aspects of medical research. They must also acquire the ability to interpret and critically evaluate this research in order to determine how and to what extent the findings can be applied to their own activities.

This session offers views and experiences of leading biostatistical educators from various backgrounds who will report on different approaches and styles of teaching biostatistics in medical settings.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
4C1Strengthening research and statistical skills of medical doctors through a hands-on approach: a case study from IranAbbas Bazargan (Iran)
Nasser Vallai
4C2Bio-statistics teaching in the new genome eraJulia Maria Pavan Soler (Brazil)
Alexandre Pereira
4C3Training chiropractors for careers in clinical researchCynthia Long (United States)