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This is a session of Topic 5: Statistics education and the wider society             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 14:00-15:30)

Statistics in sport



Many students at any academic level have a keen interest in sports - either as participants or fans. How can we take advantage of these interests to make the study of statistics more interesting and relevant to these students? How do we go about developing sports-related teaching/learning materials? Where are good sources for sports data? Are there pitfalls in using sports-based examples with students who are not avid sports enthusiasts and, if so, how do we address those difficulties in the classroom?

This session addresses these questions and explores ways to incorporate sports themes, examples and projects into statistics courses. Sports-based applications reflect uses of statistics in many more traditional fields ranging from biology, medicine and psychology to business and economics. Interesting questions are easy for students to generate and translate into quantitative terms. Sports data are often readily available in local newspapers, magazines or on the web. This allows instructors to guide students through the entire statistical process of formulating a question of interest, collecting or generating data to address that question, performing statistical analyses and interpreting the results in context - with the added benefit of using contexts that are familiar and of great interest to many students.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
5F1Sports team quality as a context for understanding variabilityLarry Weldon (Canada)
5F2Teaching an introductory statistics class based on sports examplesRobin Lock (United States)
5F3Teaching the fundamentals of Statistics with sports data: Should teams walk or pitch to Barry Bonds?Jerome Reiter (United States)