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This is a session of Topic 3: Statistics education at the post-secondary level             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 14:00-15:30)

Sampling for surveys



The theory of sampling is often presented as a series of seemingly unconnected statistical sub-topics in many academic texts and university lectures. Such dry, ad hoc presentations make it difficult to draw a connection between basic statistical concepts and the intended, practical objectives of drawing a sample.

Survey sampling is, in fact, an important area of our day-to-day statistics. It is the very basis for collecting data, analyzing data, interpreting and inferring results, and finally resolving conflicting paradigms that we encounter today. How, then, can we communicate this exciting aspect of statistics with due flare and style?

The talks in this session are intended to bring to light related challenges and to field reflective and flavored responses


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
3J1Capture-recapture sampling: a student projectBruno de Sousa (Portugal)
3J2The role of scales in teaching statistics for social science studentsPeter Sedlmeier (Germany)
3J3Cluster optimal sample size for demographic and health surveysAlfredo Aliaga (United States)
Ruilin Ren