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This is a session of Topic 3: Statistics education at the post-secondary level             Full topic list

(Monday 3rd, 16:00-18:00)

Statistics as a service subject in courses



The techniques of statistics being so widely applicable, service subjects in statistics are widespread. They can be found in college and university courses from A to Z: for example in agriculture, business, dentistry, economics, engineering, medicine, psychology, sociology, and zoology.

Teachers of statistics service subjects are generally statistics specialists but their students do not intend to be statistics specialists. There is, thus, a built in propensity for teachers and students in these subjects to fail to engage with one another, both as to the significance of statistics to the students’ course majors and as to how much of the content of the service subject it is important for the students to understand in depth.

Clearly, then, successful service teaching of statistics presents the teacher with particular challenges. How these challenges can be met is the theme of this Session.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
3A1Letting students understand why statistics is worth studyingEric Sowey
3A2From statistician to ophthalmologist via nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapyAngus Kennedy McFadyen (Scotland)
3A3Teaching statistical concepts, fundamentals and modellingTimothy E O’Brien (United States)
3A4Statistics education in The Netherlands and Flanders: an outline of introductory courses at universities and collegesPieternel Verhoeven (Netherlands)