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Group 02B (Monday 3rd, 10:30-12:30)
Only the presenter of the
talk is shown here.
C113  How should we teach the use of probabilities to take decisions when testing statistical hypothesis?Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento (Portugal)
C120  Statistical analysis of the graduation courses of the campus of Castanhal - UFPAEdson Marcos Leal Soares Ramos (Brazil)
C140  Elements of meaning and its role in the interaction with a computational programTeresita Evelina Teran (Argentina)
C208  Teaching Construction Classification Rules with Applications in Social SciencesMargarita Díaz (Argentina)
C409  A didactic proposal for the integration of statistics and basic informatics in an undergraduate pre-degree program: administration and economy of small and medium-sized businessesNorma Patricia Caro (Argentina)

All contributed papers