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This is a session of Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level             Full topic list

(Thursday 6th, 16:00-18:00)

Real data and project based statistical education



This session will focus on how real data are used in different school based activities and on examples of the effective use of project work in developing statistical understanding at the school level. Business, industry, governments, and education agencies collect data about what they do and how they operate to make decisions about what works and what does not, to determine possible future directions, or to analyze processes to become more efficient. The media are filled with graphs, tables, articles, and reports based on data about such things as medical studies, sports, the economy, or global warming. To prepare students to function effectively in this data-driven world, they need to have many and varied experiences in working with data while in elementary and secondary school.

The session will explore how data-based activities and projects are integrated into the curriculum and the research that supports their use. The discussion will consider characteristics of projects and of real data sets that make them useful and productive in helping students develop an understanding of statistical concepts. The session will be grounded by describing the student thinking and reasoning that emerges from these activities, and the implications for teaching.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
2C1Enhancing the link between statistics and mineral processing through project based learningJeeva Periasamy (South Africa)
2C2A quantitative study of countries using population data and pyramid graphsHenry Arthur Kranendonk (United States)
2C3Learning based on real context problems and notions of probability distributions and expected valueJosé Armando Albert Huerta (Mexico)
Juan Ernesto Colunga Cavazos
Juan Antonio López Esquivel
2C4Conceptualizing applied probability through project-based learningTimothy Matis (United States)