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Group 14C (Thursday 6th, 16:00-18:00)
Only the presenter of the
talk is shown here.
C118  An explanation of student performance using hierarchical linear model for schools in Pernambuco, BrazilClaudia Regina Lima (Brazil)
C332  An investigation about translation and interpretation of statistical graphs and tables by students of primary educationCarlos Carrión Pérez (Spain)
C413  Computing probabilities from two way tables: an exploratory study with future teachersAssumpta Estrada (Spain)
C433  An interactive CD-ROM to teach statistics applied to health notions to students in the fundamental schoolingMaria Lucia Marçal Mazza Sundefeld (Brazil)
C444  Mathematics with sense: a didactic approach for teaching statistics and probability from early ages onAna Beatriz Sosa (Argentina)

All contributed papers