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Topic 1 : Working cooperatively in Statistics education
Convenors: Lisbeth Cordani (Brazil), Michael Shaughnessy (United States)

Topic 2 : Statistics education at the school level
Convenors: Dani Ben-Zvi (Israel), Lionel Pereira-Mendoza (Singapore)

Topic 3 : Statistics education at the post-secondary level
Convenors: Martha Aliaga (United States), Elisabeth Svensson (Sweden)

Topic 4 : Statistics education/training and the workplace
Convenors: Pilar Martin-Guzman (Spain), Pedro L do Nascimento Silva (Brazil)

Topic 5 : Statistics education and the wider society
Convenors: Philip Boland (Ireland), Brian Phillips (Australia)

Topic 6 : Research in Statistics education
Convenors: Maxine Pfannkuch (New Zealand), Chris Reading (Australia)

Topic 7 : Technology in Statistics education
Convenors: Andrej Blejec (Slovenia), Cliff Konold (United States)

Topic 8 : Other determinants & developments in Statistics education
Convenors: Beverley Carlson (United States), Theodore Chadjipadelis (Greece)

Topic 9 : An international perspective on Statistics education
Convenors: Ana Silvia Haedo (Argentina), Delia North (South Africa)

Topic 10 : Contributed papers
Convenors: Joachim Engel (Germany), Alan McLean (Australia)

Topic 11 : Posters
Convenors: Carmen Batanero (Spain), Celi Espasandin Lopes (Brazil)