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This paper is from Session 2C: Real data and project based statistical education
which comes under Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level             Full topic list

(Thursday 6th, 16:00-18:00)

Enhancing the link between statistics and mineral processing through project based learning



This paper is a culmination of the study carried out after using project work as an intervention to enhance the learning of statistics as a service subject. It discusses how a project encompassing real-world problems directly relevant to the learners chosen career-path helps in motivating and sustaining the students’ quest for learning statistics. The sample group comprised of learners studying towards the Diploma in Extraction Metallurgy and the project work was centred on the main-stream course Mineral Processing. This project was based on actual experiments conducted by learners in their Mineral Processing course so that learners could see the relevance of applied statistics to main-stream courses. The learners’ performance was tracked throughout this study.