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This paper is from Session 2C: Real data and project based statistical education
which comes under Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level             Full topic list

(Thursday 6th, 16:00-18:00)

Learning based on real context problems and notions of probability distributions and expected value



  • Juan Ernesto Colunga Cavazos
  • Juan Antonio López Esquivel


The following investigation explores the learning potential of college students, when using the technique of Problem Based Learning. Particularly it is directed towards probabilistic frequency, probabilistic distributions, and expected value notions. To achieve this, a scenario was designed. It was worked by students, in groups of four or five, in order to investigate relevant information about the given situation. Students were expected to relate the situation with real data. It could be verified that the students based much of their analysis and conclusions on the use of graphic representations. This work also reports on the role of the Exploratory Data Analysis mainly through the graphic representations, in which the students can get a possible solution to a problem of the scenario.