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This paper is from Session 3H: Statistics learning with cases/projects
which comes under Topic 3: Statistics education at the post-secondary level             Full topic list

(Friday 7th, 14:00-15:30)

Making statistics real: working with Statistics New Zealand



  • Richard Penny
  • Marco Reale


At the University of Canterbury the statistics group has developed a teaching program that has a high level of involvement by the official statistics agency, Statistics New Zealand. Statistics New Zealand’s involvement in the teaching programme includes participating in the teaching of courses, providing statistics examples for student assignments, industry placement of student and student financial support. Their involvement is more in-depth than these tangible contributions. By having Statistics New Zealand staff in our department, and joint research projects between the department and the statistics group at the University, students come in contact with "statistics in action." The students have regular interaction with practicing statisticians and have the opportunity to formally, or informally, discuss trends and developments in statistical methods.