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This paper is from Session 3G: Teaching consultancy skills to statisticians
which comes under Topic 3: Statistics education at the post-secondary level             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 14:00-15:30)

Teaching students and staff consultancy skills



Consultants are well aware of the skills we must impart. These include: an appreciation for the role of the work one does in the context of the research effort; an understanding of what we can and cannot do as statisticians; a general appreciation for modeling and visualization; and an understanding of the nuclear elements of modeling tools. All of these skills contribute to one’s ability to communicate ideas to a client and, ultimately, to the reader of any findings. Changes in the toolkit for statisticians require that we continually learn. In this talk I describe a process that creates a continual improvement cycle for the mastery of these skills. By mastery, I mean that the student has demonstrated understanding through the application of a principle and taught what they have done to others, including non-professionals. The principles, based on modeling and visualization efforts, give rise to the nuclear elements that are the simple and communicable features of the tool.