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This paper is from Session 3A: Statistics as a service subject in courses
which comes under Topic 3: Statistics education at the post-secondary level             Full topic list

(Monday 3rd, 16:00-18:00)

From statistician to ophthalmologist via nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy



Bridging the gap between the statistical specialist and students from clinical areas must be, at least initially, the primary responsibility of the statistician. If the relevance of statistics is to be appreciated by undergraduates from other academic areas then the statistics must be taught in a relevant context using knowledge gained by the statistician from collaborative research. This paper outlines the experiences of one academic statistician who has taken a long and winding journey through various clinical areas. The journey has been enjoyable, creating close links with academic colleagues and seeing the appreciation shown by students who realise that the dreaded “statistician” has a working knowledge of their area of practice which improves credibility and enhances rapport. Ways of encouraging collaborative work with academics from other areas will be discussed as will the nerve-wracking but rewarding experiences of presenting at clinical conferences.