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This paper is from Session 9C: Statistics teaching in Asia
which comes under Topic 9: An international perspective on Statistics education             Full topic list

(Thursday 6th, 14:00-15:30)

On demand statistics courses using new technologies in Japan



  • Michiko Watanabe


Recently most Japanese universities have been interested in new media education systems via the Internet. We are the key committee members of the Cyber Campus Consortium (CCC) for Statistics, which is one of consortiums of Japan Universities Association for Computer Education (JUSE), a non-profit organization under the auspices of Japanese Ministry of Education. The main purpose of the consortium is mutual cooperation between universities, which achieves the educational environment that could not be obtained by one university on the network through the portal site of JUSE. In this paper we introduce on demand statistics courses and multimedia teaching materials developed for this CCC project with international cooperation.