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This paper is from Session 9B: Teaching Statistics in African and other developing countries
which comes under Topic 9: An international perspective on Statistics education             Full topic list

(Thursday 6th, 14:00-15:30)

Status of statistics in Africa: the case of Ethiopia



In spite of the fact that topics in introductory statistics are invariably integrated into different levels of school Mathematics syllabi and almost all university graduates are required to take at least one course in Statistics, the proportion of incoming students to the field of Statistics is not as remarkable as its wider applicability. On the other hand it seems that the needs for appreciating the power and uses of statistics are almost universal today. There is perhaps nothing surprising about this because career is a course of professional life or employment which affords opportunity for progress or advancement in the world. Hence career choice is a reflection of the job market or the social status accorded to the field professionals. This paper tries to investigate the attractiveness of statistics to freshmen as compared to other disciplines in Science (Mathematical science, life science, physical science, Engineering and Pharmacy).