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This paper is from Session 8C: Projects and competitions in Statistics education
which comes under Topic 8: Other determinants & developments in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Wednesday 5th, 11:00-12:30)

Designing, promoting, and implementing a statistics poster competition for pre-college students



The American Statistical Association began a national Statistics Poster Competition in the United States in 1990. The competition provides an ideal way to introduce students to the world of statistics. Statistical posters require that students select and define a topic of interest, design a corresponding study, collect data, appropriately present the data, and effectively communicate their findings to a non-statistical audience via graphical and, perhaps, inferential methods. The national competition spawned numerous regional and state competitions throughout the U.S. We provide a brief history of the national statistics poster competition. We describe the experiences of a group of statisticians at Grand Valley State University who began a statewide statistics poster competition in 2000 in the state of Michigan. We provide lessons learned for those hoping to start a competition in their own regions.