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This paper is from Session 8A: Mass media and statistics
which comes under Topic 8: Other determinants & developments in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 14:00-15:30)

Media studies and Statistics: real-world demands, classroom quandaries, and on-line solutions




Communication professionals include journalists and advertising/public relations executives, faced with an explosive growth of numerical data have to make sense of an increasingly complex world in an ever-changing media environment. We argue that the classroom training in statistical thinking that we offer our students is not currently responding to the challenges coming at us from the real-world media where we hope to place these students. We also recognize our students’ interest in hands-on problem-solving and their increasing sophistication with online technologies in building our argument for more discipline-specific training in statistics, and the grounding of this statistical training online, beginning with the integration of online statistical simulations into the curriculum.