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This paper is from Session 7B: On-line course and web-based instruction
which comes under Topic 7: Technology in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 10:30-12:30)

Web site and concept maps to teach statistics



  • Carlos Bravo
  • Sergio Guiñez
  • Julio Muñoz


We constructed a web site to support service statistic courses at the University of Talca (http://dta.utalca.cl/estadistica/). The web site was developed around two fundamental ideas: object learning and concept maps. The statistical content was structured based on object learning organized around the scientific method. The object learning is imbedded in concept maps which highlight the structure and connections in statistics. Each concept map links complementary information in various formats. Students have positively evaluated the web page. This work was founded by the Education Ministry of Chile, MECESUP TAL0103 project: “Diversification of strategies for teaching and learning in basic sciences” (Diversificación de las estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje en las Ciencias Básicas).