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This paper is from Session 7B: On-line course and web-based instruction
which comes under Topic 7: Technology in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 10:30-12:30)

Giving an internet course on Statistics to environmental scientists in eight countries



In this paper I describe my experiences teaching a four week internet course on environmental statistics over the internet in 2004. The course was run by an organization called Statistics.com, which provides many statistics courses this way on a regular basis. The course was based on my book on environmental statistics, which the participants had to have. I discuss the preparation of the materials, the workload for participants, coursework, and the assessment process. It seems inevitable that online courses will be more common in the future, provided by private companies, universities, and other organizations. There were some minor problems with providing the course described here, but the format is basically sound for situations where a group of professionals want to learn about a particular topic, but do not have the time to take a regular course.