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This paper is from Session 7A: Building and using databases for student analysis
which comes under Topic 7: Technology in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Friday 7th, 10:30-12:30)

At the intersection of Statistics and culturally relevant pedagogy: potential and potential challenges of learning Statistics through socal activism



  • Shiuli Mukhopadhyay
  • Joshua Danish


This paper describes data from the Community Mapping Project (CMP), a set of activities within a summer seminar for high school students. CMP was designed based on the principles of culturally relevant pedagogy to create conditions where students themselves would recognize the relevance of statistics in identifying and describing inequities that face their communities. Using mixed methods we analyzed pre- and post assessments, final projects and process data from video case studies to begin to understand how this learning was organized for the 21 twelfth graders participating in this project. Our qualitative analysis revealed several tensions that emerged between the social justice goals and statistical goals and how those tensions mediated learning. The article may help inform both teachers who wish to rethink their statistics pedagogy, and the designers of culturally relevant curricula.