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This paper is from Session 5D: Statistics education and the world of life and health sciences
which comes under Topic 5: Statistics education and the wider society             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 10:30-12:30)

The role of statistical methods in computer science and bioinformatics



This article discusses the links between computer science, statistics and biology education on the basis of research at the Latvia University of Agriculture. Bioinformatics study is considered from two aspects – as one for biologists learning Information Technologies (IT) to use within their speciality, or for IT specialists learning biology so they can apply their skills to biological problems. The different computer science technologies and statistical methods in bioinformatics are considered. The multidisciplinary approach facilitates the understanding of interrelations between computer science technologies, statistical methods and bioinformatics applications and improves the education at an agriculturally-based university. Therefore the teaching of Information Technology at agriculture-based university should exploit the close relationship with mathematics, statistics and biology.