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This paper is from Session 4B: International cooperation in statistical training in the workplace
which comes under Topic 4: Statistics education/training and the workplace             Full topic list

(Friday 7th, 10:30-12:30)

International Statistical Training - How both large and small organisations can benefit from international cooperation



Teaching statistics raises many challenges. In the international context this can mean crossing cultural, language and socio-economic boundaries. With economic globalisation and the desire for statistical agencies to produce comparable, internationally consistent statistics, the need for international cooperation in statistical training in the workplace has never been greater. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) currently undertakes a range of international statistical training activities, encompassing providing technical assistance to other countries by ABS staff, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region; hosting overseas statistical staff for visits at the ABS offices; placing overseas staff in positions at the ABS from a few months to two years; supplying training materials to statistical organisations around the world; and visiting other statistical agencies to learn best practices. The benefits and costs of these activities, with particular emphasis on the cultural and language experiences that have been learnt, will be covered.