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This paper is from Session 4A: Statistics education and the engineering world
which comes under Topic 4: Statistics education/training and the workplace             Full topic list

(Thursday 6th, 10:30-12:30)

Engineering statistical needs and engineering curriculum: an analysis



The importance of statistical science in engineering education is a subject that no longer merits discussion. The constructivist approach in its teaching, the need to teach using problem solving, and the contribution of modern technologies to optimize this learning are accepted facts by most statistics professors. In this paper we analyze the problems present in Argentina and other countries related to WHAT is the content of the subject?, To WHAT extent do they go?, and WHEN in the core curricula, is the content included? We also analyze whether to have one course with the same content for all the engineering majors or to adapt content to the specific needs in each of area. In this mixture of uncertainties, statistics is presented like an enigma to the students of engineering, especially if statistics is taught in the early stages of their program. This happens in Argentina where the roles of statistics in engineering are very difficult to demonstrate because students have only taken basic subjects like mathematics, physics or biology.