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This paper is from Session 2F: Developing a curriculum for the meaningful learning of statistics at the school level
which comes under Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level             Full topic list

(Wednesday 5th, 11:00-12:30)

Reasoning with evidence — developing curriculum




Reasoning from multivariate evidence is pervasive in political speeches and in the media, but is largely absent in UK schools. Currently, we do not prepare young people to understand important social debates, nor to make informed decisions about their personal well-being. We have evidence that students can work with multivariate data if supported appropriately with technology, and are working with teachers of mathematics, citizenship, and geography to develop curriculum materials designed to develop an understanding of complex issues in the curriculum, and reasoning from evidence in general. Examples of the use of survey data on sexually transmitted diseases, which students explore using powerful interfaces, are shown to illustrate our approach.