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This paper is from Session 1E: Cooperation in statistics education in Latin America
which comes under Topic 1: Working cooperatively in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Monday 3rd, 14:00-15:30)

Cooperation in research and in teaching statistics in Argentina



The return to democracy in the countries of South America has favored cooperation in education, science and culture. Many scientists emigrated because of military governments, but many of them returned, either temporarily or with the purpose of being reinstalled in their respective countries. This fact contributed to the strengthening of inter-country cooperation that began informally and slowly has become institutionalized. Different activities of Scientific Societies, personal relationships among their members and, occasionally, cooperative programs at state level promoting regional meetings, have supported that inter-country cooperation. These activities are very important for developing human resources. This is the main reason to encourage countries to organize meetings and research programs bringing together their statisticians.